Home » today » News » The Rental Law will be discussed after PASO: what are the projects and what does each one say | After the failed attempt by the opposition to repeal it

The Rental Law will be discussed after PASO: what are the projects and what does each one say | After the failed attempt by the opposition to repeal it

The Rental Law It is the target of accusations and comments from various sectors. On the one hand, tenants and popular field legislators defend current regulations and aim to improve it under the premise that it is a basis of rights for the most vulnerable sector. On the other hand, the cameras real estate y ownersin tandem with the deputies and senators of Together for Changelooking for repeal the regulations and leaving without a regulatory framework such a central element as access to housing.

This was more than clear in the session of the Chamber of Deputies this Wednesday, when the macrista legislator Hernan Lombardi, In an electoral turn of the debate, he requested the incorporation into the agenda of the rental law and its repeal, which has no opinion or agreement. This is not the first time, nor possibly will it be the last, in which from the opposition they loudly ask to end a law that the tenants themselves point out as “improvable” and that, they emphasize, gives them a floor of rights that they did not have before.

In this context, and taking into account the long years since this law, approved in 2019, has been highlighted, various projects have emerged to modify this resolution, especially with a focus on the more complicated pointssuch as updating the priceshe term of the contracts and the incentive owners to put homes on the market.

This is a key issue, especially if one takes into account that in Argentina there are between 7.5 and 9 million tenants. And that, due to the advance of temporary rentals, according to real estate, in the last year and a half the amount of properties destined for the “long term” fell between 30 and 50 percent. In other words, more demand in the face of an increasingly reduced and sectorized offer.

The main projects

In mid-2021, the deputies of the Frente de Todos signed the opinion of a project to modify the Rental Law when, at the same time, from Together for Change and the “middle” blocks supported another project. But what are the differences?

While the idea pro-government es promote a series of tax incentives so that, for example, monotributistas proprietors should not go to the general tax regime if they have any property for rent, or contemplate a reduction in the payment of personal assets, the opposition proposes reduce and return the contract two years, an adjustment freely agreed between the parties and a Consensual update that can go from three months to a year. Basically, tear down the old law and leave almost none of its pillars standing.

In addition, a third alternative is added, from the deputy of the Frente de Todos Gisela Marziotta, who proposed the creation of the National Rental Chamber, a housing policy that existed during the first government of Juan Domingo Perón. In this way, the norm would create an autarchic entity for the management of rentalswould set maximum rental prices and would establish the annual adjustment rate for contracts.

Other bills presented

He PROfor its part, with the project with file No. 1242-D-2023, with Hernan Lombardi to the head, goes in the same direction.

On her side, the civic coalitionsigned by Mariana Stilmanproposes in project 0180-D-2023 reduce from three to two years the minimum for rental contracts.

from the space of Radical Evolutioncon Alexander Cacace as a signatory, presented the initiative 2324-D-2022 “of tax incentives in real estate rentals with house-room destination”

The PRO deputy Alberto Asseffthe project with file number 1326-D-2023 proposes to go one step further, derogate the Rental Law and facilitate eviction processes so that they are “more agile, concrete and simple”.

The initiative of the Senator of the front PROGuadalupe Tagliaferri, proposes in the project with file 0779-S-2023 derogate the Rental Law.

Also in the senatethe Santa Cruz Citizen UnitAna María Ianni, presented a bill, 0208-S-2023, in order to regulate temporary rentals in the country.

Marilu Quiroza PRO deputy for Chacho, in turn presented an initiative, 4307-D-2022, to modify the Rental Law and specify that all contracts must be established in Argentine pesos and not in another currency such as dollars.

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