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The Renaudot Simon Liberati Award, present at the Var Book Festival 2022 in Toulon

Three days, three highlights

The event opens on November 19 with, from 10 am, on the literary scene, a meeting with Pascal Fournier, author of Shazbot (Lazare & Capucine editions), around René Barjavel. Many activities are scheduled for the entire public during the three days of the event. We have selected three moments a day, which should affect more than one. Obviously, the list is not exhaustive.


The event opens at 10 with
> From 10.00 to 11.30, in the graphic workshop 2, writing workshop with Olivier Liron.
> at 6 pm, in the Young Readers area: launch of the participatory fresco by Brrémaud (Klaus Barbie, la route du rat, Urban Comics).
> From 19:00 to 20:30 on the literary stage, theater with The Promise of Dawn (novel by Romain Gary) adapted and directed by Franck Desmedt.


> From 10:30 to 12:00 there is a great escape game. For all the public upon registration via e-mail: [email protected] (Note that different times are offered
> From 10:30 to 11:30 immersive readings for the whole audience. The spectator is invited to sit comfortably and isolate himself in his own sound and visual bubble to listen to the reading by the actors of live selected texts through headphones.
> From 12:00 to 13:30 in graphic workshop 2, “Become a garden painter and grow a bouquet of flowers on your leaf”: workshop for young people, with Clarisse Lochmann (Fin d’été, Éditions de l’Étagère du Bas). From 5 years old.


> From 10:30 to 11:30 on La Scène littéraire, literary quiz with Jérôme Attal, author of The Age of Selfish Love (Robert Laffont).
> from 12 noon, in the Young Readers area, launch of the participatory fresco by Marc Chalvin (The story of the little heart with a big heart, La Cafetière editions)
> From 18:00 to 19:00, at the graphic laboratory 1, manga workshop led by VanRah, author of Stray Dog, Glénat.

Find the entire program of the Book Festival on the website of lafetedulivreduvar.

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