Home » today » Technology » The relocation of the Škoda Superb to Slovakia is to save the future Fabia station wagon and the production of kodiaq in the Czech Republic

The relocation of the Škoda Superb to Slovakia is to save the future Fabia station wagon and the production of kodiaq in the Czech Republic

According to the source, the carmaker in the Czech Republic will free up capacity by moving production of superb, so it will be possible to produce more other models. The company can use this, for example, to expand the production capacity of SUV models Kodiaq and Karoq, thus reducing waiting time for customers.

The move of the superb also saved the production of the Fabia model in the station wagon version, there was speculation that only the hatchback would continue to be produced, as pointed out, for example, by the Škoda unions.

“The development of both cars (superb and passat) will be in Boleslav, so value-added work remains in the Czech Republic,” said the source. According to him, the company has long struggled with demand exceeding the possibility of production in the Czech Republic.

Thanks to the relocation of the superb, this will free up capacity for the production of Kodiaq SUVs, which are highly profitable for the company. According to an earlier decision of the Volkswagen Group, the models of the passat family, which also includes the superb, were to be produced in Kvasiny.

According to the source, however, it is more advantageous for the carmaker to produce only its own models, so thanks to the move, Škoda will not have to produce passats sold by Volkswagen, but the production of the Kodiaq SUV will be more profitable.

“I confirm that kodiaq will remain in the Czech Republic. At the same time, there will be a fabia station wagon, we will get a model that should no longer be, “said a credible source. The new superb is expected to begin production in 2022.

The relocation of its production to Bratislava is criticized by the unions. “The Volkswagen Group stole the most profitable flagship from the Czech Republic,” said union leader Jaroslav Povšík.

According to him, the board of directors of Škoda Auto fought little to maintain the production of the superb, and in his opinion also fears about the function. The company was not supported by the government either, said Povšík.

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