Home » today » News » The relief of hospital pressure in Granada allows the field hospital in Fermasa to be ‘parked’ for the moment | Granada radio

The relief of hospital pressure in Granada allows the field hospital in Fermasa to be ‘parked’ for the moment | Granada radio

Granada has reached this Saturday the 105 deaths with coronavirus, as confirmed by the official part issued by the Junta de Andalucía. There are 12 more deaths than the previous day. The number of positive cases rises in the province to 1,379. They are 87 infected more than the previous day. Although the number increases from one day to the next more than from Thursday to Friday. However, the number of people who have required hospital admission rises to 727, which is an increase of 47 people, similar to the previous day.

The incidence of the pandemic, with the official data that we have, consolidates the moderation in the rise of the curve. Positive cases continue to rise in Granada but at a slow pace. And, best of all, the positives rise more than the cases that require hospital admission.

This Saturday 455 people are admitted to the hospitals of Granada. It is the highest figure of all the Andalusian provinces, even above Malaga and Seville, which have more positive results globally. In percentage levels, Granada is the Andalusian province with the highest rates of positives, hospital admissions, and deaths.

In any case, this income figure implies a certain moderation in hospital pressure. And the healed have gone from 25 to 47 in a single day. There are still enough beds in the hospitals and there are still two floors, with 100 more beds, unoccupied in the old Clinical hospital. This means that the Ministry of Health has chosen not to set up the field hospital at the Armilla Trade Fair.

As reported by Radio Granada on Friday, which was a possibility, has already been taken for granted. Official sources have confirmed this Saturday that “everything is ready for a possible assembly.” But, for the moment, it is not necessary. And it will not be to maintain the tone of an already clear relaxation on the way up the curve.

Technicians from the SAS and the Military Emergency Unit have already visited the facilities of the Trade Fair on several occasions where the field hospital will be set up, if necessary. Everything is ready, indicate official sources. In addition, as Radio Granada has learned, La Legión soldiers could disinfect the facilities of the fair pavilions on Sunday to have everything planned, if it is necessary to order the assembly.

Although we have reached 105 deaths, a really tragic news, the rise in new cases slows down. The curve continues to rise but the slow rate of ascent consolidates and the hospital pressure is relieved. There are still beds in the hospitals of the province and, also, in the ICUs of the hospitals of Granada.

Fermasa has reiterated that, from the first moment, it gave its facilities to the health authorities and, according to its president and Mayor of Armilla, Loli Cañavate, the spirit is to continue collaborating in whatever is necessary.

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