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The Relationship Between Water, Hyaluronic Acid, and Hydration for Skin and Hair

How often have we heard this phrase, from specialists from various fields, from nutritionists and trainers to chemists and doctors. Let’s break down the question into molecules: how water actually affects the body, including skin and hair, explains facial skin care expert Anastasia Burobina.

Are we really 90% water?

In fact, only 60-65%. However, water is truly the basis of everything, since any biological cell consists of it. The more water and the better its quality, the faster and more efficiently all processes of interchange and vital activity occur. But we often forget about another important component – hyaluronic acid. We are accustomed to associate it with cosmetics, although initially it performs a vital role – it binds water. Its molecules form a kind of network that retains moisture, ensures the circulation of lymphocytes, blood cells and oxygen.

How exactly does hyaluronic acid retain water?

Literally – like a magnet. The structure of the hyaluronic acid molecule is a long chain, which consists of sequentially repeating monomeric sections: carbon dioxide, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Free bonds attract water molecules. Just 1 gram of hyaluronic acid can hold up to 6 liters of water. And it is found almost everywhere – in bones, connective tissue, cartilage, hair follicles and skin.

Then why cosmetics with additional hyaluronic acid?

The principle here is simple: there is never too much hyaluronic acid, especially after 25 years. From about this age, the production of the substance slows down, and this quickly affects the quality of the skin – it loses elasticity and radiance, becomes dull and really dry. When we apply hyaluronic acid as part of a cosmetic product, it is as if we are introducing a kind of sponge into the skin, which will absorb everything and retain moisture in this area for a certain time – usually from 12 to 24 hours. By the way, today you can find a product with this valuable ingredient for almost any area of ​​the body: from a moisturizing mist, eye patches and foundation serum to lip gloss, fixing gel and even mouth rinse.

Are dry and dehydrated skin the same thing?

Not really. Dry skin is a genetically determined type, it is little influenced by external factors and is unlikely to change throughout life. And dehydrated skin is a temporary condition that anyone can experience, regardless of type. The difference can also be determined by the quality: dry skin has a floury peeling, while dehydrated skin is most often characterized by irritation and may tingle. Also in the dehydrated area there are enlarged pores and redness. However, the effect of products with hyaluronic acid will be noticeable in both cases – the skin will become more elastic, tightened, and radiant.

Is it possible to wash your face with tap water?

First, you need to determine what kind of water flows from your tap – soft or hard. There is such a test: open the water, soap your hands. If the soap is of high quality and foams well, but is difficult to rinse off, then the water is soft. There should be a feeling that the soap has not been completely washed off. And vice versa: if it lathers poorly, it means the water is hard. Lime in a kettle when boiling is also a sign of hardness. Next you need to decide whether you will boil it or not. It is better, of course, to wash your face with soft water – it can be used directly from the tap. But if the water is hard, it is better to use boiled water or use filters. It is also important that the water is not super hard or super soft: the first will always dry out and tighten the skin, and the second will wash away cleansers very poorly.

How else can you help dehydrated skin?

Handle it with care – do not rub it too much with a towel, do not use harsh gommages, scrubs, or products with traumatic components. Since dehydrated skin has a destroyed hydrolipidic barrier, continuous evaporation and loss of fluid occurs. To make up for the deficiency, new water is needed, which comes from within and evaporates again. Cleansing in this case should be very gentle, but comprehensive. Ideally, choose products from the same range so that they enhance each other. It is important to use them correctly – whey It is imperative to cover it with a cream with a hydrolipid composition, that is, it must contain both a water component and a fatty component in order to prevent the evaporation of moisture. You can also influence zones locally – for example, using patches for the décolleté area and overnight lip mask.

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Serum for face and neck with 1.5% pure hyaluronic acid

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What about hair?

The lack of moisture instantly affects the curls – they become dry, tangled, unruly, and thin. Hyaluronic acid saturates the follicles with micronutrients, catalyzes the production of proteins, collagen and elastin, thereby stimulating blood circulation and improving metabolism. All of the above has a beneficial effect not only on the quality of hair, but also on its growth. Sometimes, instead of several styling products for volume, it is enough to add one moisturizer – for example, serum with hyaluronic acid. Then apply thermal protectiondry your hair hairdryer with diffuser upside down – and luxurious styling without unnecessary weight is ready.

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Will two liters of water a day help moisturize your skin and hair?

Modern research shows that drinking alone does not moisturize the skin too much – from 6 to 15%, and this is provided that a person drinks 1.5 liters of water per day. Everything works together – a sufficient amount of water and properly selected care products that will give the skin intense nutrition and hydration. Everyone has their own drinking water consumption rate; you can aim for 6-8 glasses a day. Quality is also important – only clean water contributes to the full process of regeneration and restoration of the skin, preventing all kinds of irritation on its surface.

2023-09-26 12:53:51

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