Enjoying a plate of cold fruits in the summer after a hearty meal is great for many of us, but what about the effect on our stomach? Combining some foods, although it looks delicious, may be a burden on the stomach. How is that?
Many people are accustomed to a diet that combines several types of food, whether it is vegetables, fruits, meat, or others, or they are keen to conclude the meal with a plate of fruits. But what many people may not be aware of is that the combination of certain foods negatively affects the digestive system and takes away the feeling of comfort and good mood. So what are these foods?
Fruits after eating are not healthy
Fruits should be eaten at intervals from the main meals. The sugar contained in fruits remains for a long time in the stomach and begins to ferment. However, it remains better for health to end the meal, for example, with strawberries instead of sweet chocolate pudding. According to the German Focus website.
Also, it is preferable to eat bananas alone and not mix them with foodstuffs that are rich in sugars. Therefore, it is recommended to eat bananas either for breakfast or as a snack between the main meals.
Mixing eggs and milk harms the stomach
According to Ayurveda, eggs and dairy products are difficult to combine. Therefore, it is better to completely exclude milk from the diet and replace it with alternatives.
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Also, the combination of cheese and tomatoes is harmful to the stomach, and this also applies to all the nightshade species, such as eggplant, hot peppers, regular peppers, and potatoes. Even if mixing these materials with mozzarella cheese gives them a delicious taste, they are difficult to digest.
Therefore, even tomato bread, cheese, Greek salad, and even pizza are not recommended For those with sensitive stomachsAccording to the German Focus website.
Do not mix meat with eggs
It is preferable not to confuse meat and fish with eggs to preserve the stomach. On the other hand, according to Ayurvedic culinary traditions, adding grain products such as rice to a fish or meat dish is not problematic.
In general, people with digestion problems are advised to avoid raw food, including salad. Raw food is already difficult to digest, and the combination, especially between cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes, can cause digestive problems, according to the Focus website.
This is how you protect yourself from digestive problems
The password to prevent digestive problems Drink plenty of plain water And not the invader at separate times of the day. And the best way to start the day: Drink warm water with fresh lemon on an empty stomach in the morning. Consuming a large glass of water half an hour before eating (this tames hunger) and also makes you not drink during a meal, but rather after it.
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Whoever eats the size of the palm of the hand of colored vegetables and fruits a day at least five times, gives himself all the nutrients he needs to maintain his physical and psychological health. Vegetables contain a lot of antioxidants that relieve symptoms of anxiety, fear and depression.
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Less sugar
Resisting sugar-containing foods like candy and some soft drinks is difficult, but it is essential to maintaining a healthy mind in a healthy body. Researchers from the Universities of Lancaster and Warwick in (British) and Humboldt (German) discovered that those who eat a lot of foods that contain a large percentage of sugar suffer from a bad mood, compared to those who control their consumption of sugars, and even feel sleepy and tired after eating them.
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Vitamin B
Vitamin B plays a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy mind, as it activates the nervous system and combats drowsiness and stress. Among the most important types are vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin (or B3) in addition to folic acid (B9). Some foods that contain vitamin B are vegetables, lean meat, nuts, fish, bananas, potatoes and dairy products.
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Probiotics are products that contain beneficial organisms and yeasts for the digestive system. They contribute to the maintenance of beneficial stomach bacteria, and they also help reduce anxiety and depression disorders. Products that contain these probiotics include dairy products such as yogurt, as well as pickles. Probiotics can also be obtained from dietary supplements in the form of capsules.
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Vitamin D
Some scientists link vitamin D deficiency in the body to increased symptoms of depression and a negative impact on mood. It’s not clear if a vitamin D deficiency directly causes depression, but it’s known that people with depression don’t go outside as much and therefore aren’t exposed to enough sunlight. Therefore, it is recommended to be exposed to the sun whenever possible, especially for those who live in areas where winters are long.
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Studies conducted on rats showed that magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in fear and anxiety disorders. Therefore, foods rich in magnesium contribute to a person’s sense of calm and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Among the foods rich in magnesium are leafy vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, and chard, in addition to legumes, almonds, and whole wheat flour products.
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Zinc is one of the most important minerals for the body, and it helps reduce fear and anxiety. Zinc deficiency in the body causes increased symptoms of depression, nervousness, and violent behavior. Many foods contain zinc, such as oysters, liver, egg yolks, whole wheat flour products, as well as pumpkin and sesame seeds.
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red meat
Healthy eating doesn’t mean not enjoying a steak from time to time, as long as the meat is not processed or full of fat like hot dogs. Small slices of red meat can be eaten up to three times a week. Red meat contains iron, which fights symptoms of stress.
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Brazil nuts
Brazil nuts contain selenium, which many people don’t get enough. Selenium deficiency in the body causes a bad mood, so it is recommended to eat small amounts of walnuts and nuts on an ongoing basis. Black honey, seafood and vegetables also contain selenium.
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Turmeric (or turmeric in some countries) helps to calm inflammation in the body and relieve chronic inflammation that some people suffer from, which affects brain function. The active ingredient in this spice is curcumin, which raises the level of beneficial omega-3 fatty acid in the brain, which helps relieve stress and anxiety.
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Mediterranean country cuisine
Mediterranean cuisine is characterized by a variety of healthy and delicious foods. The meal usually consists of vegetables, fish and wholemeal bread with the addition of olive oil, herbs and spices. After the meal can be sweetened with a piece of fresh fruit. Consistently following the Mediterranean diet and giving up foods that contain sugar and white flour leads to improved mood and lower rates of depression, according to a study.
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Less caffeine
Some mental health organizations advise caution when consuming caffeinated beverages. Although it gives the person a sense of activity, but too much of it leads to stress, depression, and sleep disturbances. Therefore, it is advised to moderate and reduce the amount of coffee or tea, especially before bed.
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Drinking enough water
It is recommended to drink water in sufficient quantities daily to maintain the health of the body and brain. Those who do not drink enough water find it difficult to focus and think clearly. It is usually recommended to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water daily. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea in the evening may also help calm the nerves after a hard day.
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Dark chocolate
A person feels happy after eating a piece of chocolate, which is a pleasant and desirable feeling. Therefore, it is also possible to eat chocolate, provided it is dark, that is, it contains a high percentage of cocoa. You should also pay attention to quantities to maintain weight.