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The regions want a yellow Italy


The president of the Liguria region Giovanni Toti (S) and the President of the Council of Ministers Giuseppe Conte during the commemoration in Piazza De Ferrari in memory of the victims of the collapse of the Morandi bridge. Genoa, 14 September 2018. ANSA / LUCA ZENNARO

A fourth band, which is placed under the yellow zone, and which allows more breathing space for those areas of the territory where the numbers of the infection are under control. It is with this proposal that the Regions will present themselves before the government, which has called them for tomorrow morning in view of the whirlwind of meetings that will precede the launch of the next dpcm.

The presidents and their delegates met by videoconference on Monday afternoon, for a discussion on the measures that will be adopted starting from next December 3rd. It was Giovanni Toti, who as vice-president of the Conference of Regions led the discussion, who already circulated the proposal among colleagues in the past few hours, which would include a shift of the curfew at midnight and the reopening of bars and restaurants also in the evening, at least until 11 pm. This will be one of the two qualifying points in the discussion with the executive, together with the banned possibility of prohibiting any type of movement between Regions, a measure that Giuseppe Conte is considering introducing close to Christmas and with value for the whole course of holidays. Because even on this the governors would like the possibility of travel to be allowed at least between those Regions that fall within the same risk range: “We believe that between a yellow and a yellow region, between a red and a red one, we must be able to move since the virus circulates in the same way. – Toti explained at the end of the meeting – On the basis of the principle of communicating vessels, we will ask the Government to allow inter-regional travel ”. Objection also to the total interruption of the ski season. In a document signed by Abruzzo and by the Regions that include the Alpine arc, it is requested that the ski lifts remain open, limiting their use only to hotel guests and second home owners.

It is unlikely that the latter request will be accepted, while a shy optimism surrounds the first two. Although one of those present at the meeting recalls how “even for the last two dpcm they had presented proposals of common sense, which were thrown away without a shot being fired”. It is on the fourth band that the hopes and expectations of the governors are concentrated. Who appeal to common sense: “We do not necessarily ask that entire Regions have different measures, even if it would be logical to expect it – says one of them – It is also possible to make targeted measures of openings on more or less large territories that do not present risk situations, because there are “. As well as the logic of common sense they say is inspired by the rule that should provide for the movement between territories in the same Regions.

The governors reject the logic that would see them as “cicadas” as opposed to a government of “ants”: “We propose solutions that are the result of knowledge of the territory”, explained those who attended the meeting, which was discussed a lot about how this range of hypotheses can be combined with the need to limit the gatherings. But they demand, through Toti’s mouth, greater transparency in the decision-making process on the division into bands of the country, as well as “a simplification as already requested for some time”.

Conte is expected to bring together the heads of delegation tomorrow together with Roberto Speranza to finalize the final details. While the curfew and the closure of schools until January seem to be confirmed, work is being carried out on exemptions on travel, which could concern first degree relatives, partners and cohabitants, even if the Minister of Health is pushing for a more restricted version possible, to limit maximum travel.

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