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the regions that will pass to phase 1 of the ‘de-escalation’

He government central has reported this Friday what will be the autonomous communities that may advance to phase 1 from ‘de-escalated‘and which ones are not. At a press conference, the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, and the director of the Center for Health Alerts and Emergencies, Fernando Simon, have appeared to explain the decisions taken for the 17 regions of Spain regarding restrictions during the state of alarm for the pandemic of coronavirus.

The activities allowed during phase 1 They are: meetings of a maximum of 10 people, reopening to the public of all establishments with an area equal to or less than 400 square meters and a capacity limitation of 30%, reopening of outdoor terraces at 50% with a maximum of ten people per table, reopening of libraries and museums with limited activities and capacity, reopening of hotels and tourist establishments and activities of active tourism and nature in groups of up to ten people.

Community by community, these are the regions and provinces that will finally go to phase 1 from May 11 or they will remain in phase 0 to contain possible outbreaks of the pandemic, in accordance with the criteria established by the Ministry of Health.


Andalusia would have proposed to the Government that its eight provinces will go to phase 1, although with “exceptions” for three health districts with worse epidemiological data: Granada capital, its metropolitan area and the municipality of Málaga. In these three cases, the Junta de Andalucía proposed to limit funerals and wakes in strict privacy. Furthermore, scientific meetings, seminars or congresses could not be held, and open-air shows, markets or similar activities are not allowed.

Thus, the provinces that will finally advance to phase 1 on May 11 will be Sevilla, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén, Almeria Y Córdoba. Only Granada and Malaga remain in phase 0.


Aragon proposed to the Ministry of Health a ‘de-escalation’ through sanitary zones, requesting the pass to the phase 1 for the entire region, except for some areas of Huesca, for which he asked for direct advance to phase 2. Finally the three provinces -also Teruel Y Zaragoza– will go to phase 1.


Asturias passes completely to phase 1. This community asked Healthcare for the entire region to go to phase 1, although it demanded phase 2 for 13 areas in the Navia-Oscos-Eo Valley, in the extreme west, and in the Valles del Oso, in the central area. , given the low incidence of the coronavirus pandemic in these territories.


The Balearic Islands requested the pass to phase 1 – in which it is already Formentera– for Menorca, Mallorca e Ibiza, and the Ministry of Health has decided to accept that the three islands advance in the ‘de-escalation’ plan.

Canary Islands

After direct access to phase 1 of the islands of La Gomera, The iron Y La Graciosa, Canary Islands will add the remaining five islands to phase 1: Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura Y The Palm.


Cantabria advance fully to phase 1.

Castilla la Mancha

Despite being one of the communities with the highest levels of infections and deaths from coronavirus, Castilla la Mancha requested a pass to phase 1 throughout the region. However, of the five provinces of the community, only Cuenca Y Guadalajara they will be able to advance phase. So, Toledo, Albacete Y Real city will remain in phase 0.

Castile and Leon

Castile and Leon will remain in phase 0, with the exception of 26 of the 39 health zones for which the autonomous government requested its passage in phase 1. Thus, they will continue in the phase 0 to all provincial capitals of this community.


The Catalan Government proposed to the Ministry of Health that most of the Catalonia stay in the phase 0, according to epidemiological forecasts. The pass to phase 1 was only requested for the health regions of Terres de l’Ebre, Camp de Tarragona and Aran-Alt Pirineu. Finally, these three zones are the only ones that the Government has admitted for the move to phase 1.


The autonomous city of Ceuta It will go to phase 1 from next May 11.

Valencian Community

The Valencian Community requested the central government to pass to phase 1 for the three provinces of the community from May 11. However, the Ministry of Health has decided that only some of the 24 health departments will advance: one in Castellón, Three in Valencia and six in Alicante.


Estremadura He requested the change to phase 1 throughout the region and the Ministry has decided to accept his request. So, Cáceres Y Badajoz they will advance in the ‘de-escalation’.


The Xunta de Galicia He asked for phase advancement for the four provinces of the community and the Ministry of Health has so agreed. Corunna, Lugo, Ourense Y Pontevedra go to phase 1.

The Rioja

The Rioja, with one of the lowest fatality rates in the country, will go to phase 1 from May 11.


The Madrid’s community Nor will it go to phase 1. The Government of Isabel Diaz Ayuso had requested the pass against the criteria of the Director of Public Health, Yolanda Fuentes, who resigned after refusing to sign the document that the Community finally sent without signature to the Ministry against its own report. According to sources from the Community of Madrid, the decision was mainly due to the lack of preparation of a system for detecting and tracking coronavirus cases in Primary Care.


Melilla will go to phase 1 of the ‘de-escalation’.


Murcia, the community to which the coronavirus later reached, proposed to the Executive the phase advance and the central government has acceded due to the good epidemiological data.


Too Navarra requested the pass to the phase 1 of the provincial community and finally the Ministry of Health has decided to approve his request.

Basque Country

He Basque Country will go to phase 1, as proposed by the phase pass for all its provinces, because it met “the required criteria without any doubt,” according to the regional government spokesman, Josu Erkoreka. The request was also extended to the Treviño County, the Burgos territory that is within the Basque territory.

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