Home » today » World » The region facilitates the elimination of aggressive pajasan by means of measures

The region facilitates the elimination of aggressive pajasan by means of measures

Experts place the glandular pajasan at the top of the list of invasive species. The winged achenes of this exotic tree are easily spread by the wind, the seedlings grow quickly and from the roots secrete substances toxic to the surrounding plants, therefore they easily control the new environment at the expense of the original species. It also has a negative impact on human activity – it is an unpleasant weed in agriculture, through which the pathogen that causes golden yellowing of the vine is transmitted. The extensive root system disrupts buildings, the glands on the leaves release unpleasant-smelling substances, the flowers produce allergenic pollen.

In August, the Regional Office of the South Moravian Region issued measures of a general nature for the glandular pajasan, which sets priorities and adjusts the procedures for the regulation of this invasive plant. “This measure builds on existing European and national legislation and complements it at the regional level. In addition to laying down more detailed conditions for the regulation of payasan, for this purpose allows an exception to the basic conditions for the protection of nature reserves, namely the use of biocides in their environment. Under certain conditions, it is thus possible to enter and use these chemical agents in these protected areas,” Deputy Governor for the Environment Lukáš Dubec explains the situation.

The measure is based on the expert document “Principles of regulation of the glandular pajasan”, which was prepared by the Ministry of the Environment.

“Usual felling methods are ineffective for pajasan because it has a very high regeneration capacity and reacts to damage with intensive growth of young shoots. So it is necessary to use a herbicide,” says deputy Dubec. Suitable methods that have proven themselves well are described in the above-mentioned Principles of Regulation as well as the standard of the Nature and Landscape Protection Agency focused on the elimination of selected invasive plant species.

Pajasan grows even in adverse conditions, tolerates drought and pollution. Due to its durability and unpretentiousness, it used to be planted in windbreaks, to green areas along roads and in urban environments. “In South Moravia, it is expanding mainly in the vicinity of former plantations, and it can be assumed that with the changing climate, this process will continue to accelerate. It is important that information about its properties reach public awareness and that managers, users and owners of land are involved in its regulation as part of normal care.” adds Lukáš Dubec.


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