Who knows what they will think of it at the Ministry of Education and Merit, as per the new name given to public education by the right-wing government. Now that Alexander Giuli he was appointed Minister of Culture in place of the resigning Gennaro Sangiulianoto take his place at the helm of the Maxxi in Rome – one of the capital’s top cultural institutions – will be Raffaella Docimo65 years old, member of the Board of Directors since 2023 on the recommendation of Sangiuliano himself. And here finally comes the merit, a talismanic word handed out everywhere by the President of the Council Georgia Meloni: Docimo is in fact a full professor of Pediatric Dentistry at Tor Vergata. Her main fields of clinical-scientific interest — as stated on her CV — are “dental hygiene, dental prevention in the territory, clinical-therapeutic dental problems in developmental age”. What all this has to do with architecture, design, photography and so on expressed at the highest level in a place like the Maxxi might seem a mystery.
Sangiuliano-Boccia, that “leak” that embarrasses the government
by Maurizio Molinari

Docimo’s merit, more than professional, cultural and scientific, seems to be another and fully falls within the selective method in vogue from the Meloni house onwards. Meanwhile, in the last European elections Docimo had run with Fratelli d’Italia, Southern Italy constituency, arriving seventh with 35 thousand preferences, in short demonstrating her militancy. In a parliamentary question last May, the M5S deputies Alessandro Caramiello e Pasqualino Penza they recalled the same words of the professor released in an interview: «Minister Sangiuliano has been a friend of mine since high school in Naples, he at Pansini and I at Nazareth». The two parliamentarians of the 5 Star Movement, naively, asked the minister if he did not consider it appropriate to “appoint to the Board of Directors of the Maxxi Foundation a profile different from that of Dr. Docimo, since the latter is a dentist and therefore far from training in the humanities”. The answer never came.
Meloni in Cernobbio: “Sangiuliano resigned for a private matter. Government not weakened. Boccia? My idea of a woman is the opposite”. And the entrepreneur replies: “The prime minister is a boxer who hits the wind and does not affect the truth”
from our correspondent Lorenzo De Cicco

Docimo comes from a family of doctors (also dentists) from Naples and had frequented the Neapolitan journalistic world in his youth, another meeting point with Sangiuliano, director of the daily newspaper Roma for years. From 2016 to 2023, Docimo had been part of the association “Amici del Maxxi”, that is, the individual membership of art enthusiasts, all with fairly weighty surnames. To make the big leap into the board of directors, however, the benevolent nomination of Sangiuliano was needed. The party gives and the party asks, so in April Docimo had received a call from Arianna Meloni with the invitation to run for Brussels. In this whirlwind of relationships, acquaintances, long-standing friendships and coincidences, it seems that the first meeting between Sangiuliano and Maria Rosaria Boccia took place thanks to Docimo. Or rather, thanks to dentistry. Just four days ago in Repubblica, the dentist Simona Russo, a friend of the entrepreneur from Pompei, said: «In May Boccia accompanied me to Naples to an electoral event for Docimo brought by Sangiuliano. I went because my husband is a university colleague and a friend of Docimo. Boccia came with me by chance and there they met with Gennaro». Another electoral initiative by Docimo, another meeting between the former minister and Boccia. We are right at the end of the campaign, it is June 6, Docimo is doing it at the Gold Tower Lifestyle in Naples, a four-star hotel with “attention to detail, refined environments and dedicated sensory paths”, dinner buffet on the Terrazza Ramè. The then minister certainly could not miss the party of the dentist, a companion (or rather, comrade) of youth, nor was Boccia missing. It was also Sangiuliano’s birthday, in short, a great evening.
Tolkien, passions and vanities of the gaffeur who pursued the hegemony of the right
by Filippo Ceccarelli

Now, the vicissitudes of life, the domino effect of Sangiuliano’s resignation brings his great friend Domino to the helm of the Maxxi, no one knows for how long, maybe it will be a matter of days, maybe months. Merit, a bit of fate, a bit of friendships. But it is a story that in itself contains the work of art of the sliding doors of our existences, it could almost become an exhibition, an experiential journey, in short Docimo give it some thought.
#regency #Maxxi #dentist #friend #Sangiuliano #introduced #Boccia
– 2024-09-08 03:49:57