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The reform of PO-308 promotes safer pedestrian traffic from A Lanzada to Pontevedra

Nez Feijoo travels a section of the pedestrian route of the PO-308 in Noalla, Sanxenxo, with the mayor and the ministers of Environment and Infrastructure CAPE

Feijoo visits the itinerary between Portonovo and A Lanzada in Noalla and announces an identical action in Poio

05 jun 2021 . Updated at 05:00 h.

This is a paradigmatic work of safe mobility. As defined by the president of the Xunta, Alberto Nez Feijoo, the pedestrian and bicycle path that Infraestruturas has executed in the PO-308 from A Lanzada to the new roundabout to access Portonovo, at the height of Canelas. This performance is already practically finished and only the placement of planters remains to be defined. Feijoo traveled to A Lanzada, in Noalla, to travel a section of this path, accompanied by the Regional Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, Ethel Vzquez Y ngeles Vzquez, as well as by the mayor of Sanxenxo, Telmo Martn. The regional leader stressed the importance of the transformation of this road, in a section of more than eight kilometers and that Telmo Martín came to classify almost boulevard.

For his part, Feijoo stressed that they have been built roundabouts, improved intersections with the secondary road network, expanded sidewalks and hard shoulders, ordered from prking, endowed with new lighting public and enabled up to 14 crosswalks -Before the performance there were only two in the entire tour.

The president of the Xunta said that it is a necessary work, given the number of people who visit it, especially in summer, and recognized it as a tourist showcase. This road is the business card of Galicia to the thousands of people who approach the tourist capital of northwestern Spain, precisely, in clear reference to Sanxenxo.

We want to commit ourselves to making the PO-308, one of the most unsafe roads, one of the highest road safety in Galicia indic. Announce an investment of 17 million euros so that the entire layout can be improved in the municipal district of Poio, in such a way that a person can walk from the urban area of ​​Pontevedra to the beach of A Lanzada without exposing themselves to having to go down to the road or walk along hard shoulders. Once this objective was completed, which Feijoo also described as ambitious, he pointed out that one of the pedestrian paths will have been opened next to PO-308 my greats from Galicia.

Next Thursday, the procedures will begin for the section that goes from Combarro to Fontenla, to little by little move forward to provide PO-308 with a safe path for pedestrians and cyclists.

Likewise, taking advantage of the celebration this Saturday of World Environment Day, Feijoo also highlighted that Galicia now has no EU warning on the ras, before the sanitation plans underway.

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