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The political battle continues over the fact that popular power has practically rejected the National Assembly’s mediation plan for next year’s budget law.
People Power reiterated its unacceptable stance, saying the proposal to cut the corporate tax by 1% was far from insufficient, and the Democratic Party criticized the ruling party for holding to the end the budget for the privileged class.
This is reporter Kim Jae-kyung.
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People’s Power reiterated its unacceptable stance, saying, “It’s hard to agree that good is good,” regarding National Assembly Speaker Jin-pyo Kim’s arbitration proposal.
It is difficult to achieve the goal of strengthening the competitiveness of enterprises and attracting foreign capital with a 1%p reduction in corporate tax for large companies.
[주호영/국민의힘 원내대표]
“A mere 1% decline is not enough to signal to foreign investors and capital flowing out of China that Korea is a competitive country for business.”
In addition, the Police Department of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security and the budget of the Personnel Information Management Group of the Ministry of Justice are also treated as reserve funds, saying it does not recognize the trust of state institutions.
Furthermore, it was revealed that it was difficult to accept the opposition party’s request for an increase, including the budget for local love gift certificates.
The Democratic Party criticized the irresponsibility of the ruling party, asking if it had the will to draw up the budget within the year.
[이재명/더불어민주당 대표]
“It looks like a plan to curb the budget, which has cost the lives of 50 million people, for the sake of the super-rich (ultra-rich).
In particular, he stressed that the president’s office, which does not participate in the budget review, is making inroads in the negotiations of the National Assembly.
The Democratic Party stressed that the government’s investigation into the Oct. 29 disaster continues to be delayed due to the budget bill and that the government’s investigation is expected to start in earnest from next week.
At the same time, he argued that the government’s investigation period should be extended as much as the time wasted on budget negotiations.
In response, People Power said the government inquiry was an agreement between the government and opposition parties after the budget bill was drafted and only said that the extension of the period would be discussed later. .
This is Kim Jae-kyung from MBC News.
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