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The (RED) program will participate in the fight against Covid-19 until the end of the year

The (RED) program has enabled Apple to participate since 2006 in efforts to fight AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa. Faced with the Covid-19 pandemic, the company had announced at the end of last year that the profits on the sales of PRODUCT (RED) products would henceforth be used entirely to help sub-Saharan countries in the fight against the disease. This change was supposed to end on June 30, 2021, yesterday then, but it was extended until the end of the year.

Part of the current PRODUCT (RED) range.

All profits on red products sold by Apple will be used to fight Covid-19 until December 30, 2021 inclusive. From there, and barring further extension, the funds will again be used to help patients and AIDS research. In addition to the profits on these products, Apple continues to donate $ 1 for any purchase made in its stores, online or in person, with Apple Pay. This measure does not apply a priori than in the United States.

The list of PRODUCT (RED) currently available is visible on this page of the Apple website. There are mostly iPhones, with five models from the iPhone SE to 12, the Apple Watch Series 6 and the latest generation iPod touch, as well as several accessories, cases, bracelets and even a Beats headset and speaker.

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