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The Red Planet Mars Puzzle

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Planet Mars identical to the color red. Almost all illustrations depict the planet in red.

When Mars is visible at night, it is also reddish in color. However, is Mars really red? Where does the red color of the planet Mars come from?

US Aeronautics and Space Administration, NASA called a lot of rocks on Mars full of iron, and when they are exposed to the outdoors, they ‘oxidize’ and turn reddish.

When rusty dust from rocks is thrown into the atmosphere, it makes the Martian sky look pink. From afar, the entire planet looks a bit reddish.

But if you look closely you will see that most of Mars is actually more butterscotch or yellowish brown in color.

Depending on what minerals are present around the Martian surface, some landscapes can be more golden, brown, or even slightly greenish.

So in fact Mars is not a real planet and is completely red.

There are also criticisms or questions about the claim of Mars as the Red Planet from research on the planet’s surface.

Reported from The Science Times, the surface with red color on Mars is thinner than the surface layer with other colors.

The Red Planet is said to be the claims of ancient writers. For example, the Sanskrit Mangala, which translates to Mars, is considered the definition of red.

In addition there is also the ancient Egyptian language, the word ‘har decher’ directly translates to ‘the red one.’

As astronomical studies expanded, scientists were able to observe Mars through a much larger view than standard telescopes.

Earth’s color tends to be shady supported by the Rayleigh scattering effect and other factors that make the planet shine with the dominant color.

The combination of light and layers of the atmosphere makes Earth appear blue when observed in space.

Meanwhile Mars has an atmosphere layer 0.7 percent of the Earth’s atmosphere layer. This counteracts Rayleigh scattering and makes light particles appear dimmer.

Thus, the surface of the planet Mars looks as if it is dominated by red.

In study “Global Mineralogical and Aqueous Mars History Derived from OMEGA/Mars Express Data,” the experts also point out that the redness of Mars is supported by dust winds that constantly blow.

The red color dominates Mars because of the short distance traveled by dust particles and the concentration of these spots on steeper slopes.

In addition to iron oxide which is reddish in color, this chemical is also known to have its own form called magnetite, which is a black iron mineral.


[Gambas:Video CNN]

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