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The reconstruction of Acapulco has not finished: AMLO

Acapulco, Gro. The reconstruction of Acapulco is going well but it is not over. As of today, without 250 thousand families that have already received the financial support and appliances that the government delivered after the hurricane. Otis In October of last year, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador proposed.

In an opening ceremony of the Tourist Tianguis, an event that begins tomorrow, the president said that the progress made in the reconstruction of the port is the result of the work of all its inhabitants, who are committed to getting ahead of the crisis as soon as possible. .

In a video sent to Tianguis attendees, López Obrador recognized and thanked the businessmen who have promoted the reconstruction of the port, in particular the magnate Carlos Slim and Juan Antonio Hernández Venegas, the president of the council and owner of the group. Imperial World.

The president indicated that he could not attend this event due to force majeure, but he trusted that he will return in a few weeks to review the progress and how progress can be made more quickly.

Likewise, he thanked the governments of Korea and China for their efforts to provide appliances to all the people who were left with nothing after the hurricane. Otis.

At the time, Miguel Torruco, head of the Ministry of Tourism (Sectur) maintained that both the private initiative, the federal and state governments, as well as the inhabitants “pulled evenly” and that is why Acapulco “is already being reborn as it is.” the Phoenix”.

He also pointed out that this will be the last Tianguis under his management, but in this six-year term he will leave a renewed tourism sector and Mexico as a tourist power. At least, he specified, our country is ranked as the sixth most attractive global destination to attract Foreign Direct Investment.

The first to speak during the inauguration was the governor of Guerrero, Evelyn Salgado Pineda, who stressed that at this moment the port is reborn from the ashes.

“It is not just any flea market, it is special, emotional, it is the flea market of rebirth, the flea market of the phoenix where Acapulco is reborn from those ashes. We are going to remember it all our lives, it is a new beginning,” he added.

#reconstruction #Acapulco #finished #AMLO
– 2024-04-10 07:37:16

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