Home » today » Business » The rebellion of the Russian elite under the gaze of the West. The oligarchs have started their game – 2024-02-28 10:48:59

The rebellion of the Russian elite under the gaze of the West. The oligarchs have started their game – 2024-02-28 10:48:59

/ world today news/ In Russia, they are discussing the leaking of an alleged conversation between two major Russian entrepreneurs, Nikolai Matushevsky and Roman Trotsenko. The businessmen themselves say that they are not involved in this. But who and why decided to hit the Russian elite?

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin commented on the situation surrounding Russophobic sanctions and the leveling of their consequences. Speaking at a social science forum to Russian youth, he said “sanctions are not a temporary phenomenon, they will not stop overnight.”

According to Mishustin, Russia’s former partners have gone too far to back down. And we must be prepared for any reversal, he believes.

“As the president noted [Владимир Путин], the processes of cardinal transformation of the entire architecture of international relations are now accelerating. The formation of a multipolar, fairer world order system is entering an active phase,” Mishustin said.

“There is a fierce strategic competition, a confrontation for the opportunity to choose one’s own path based on national interests. The world is emerging in which you, the young generation of our citizens, will have to live,” he declared.

“How Russia will develop will depend on you, on your achievements, on the ability to use your knowledge, on your diligence,” Mishustin emphasized in his address to the forum participants.

Fear for the future of Russia

People’s fear of the future of Russia is actively used by our enemies. So, a recording of an alleged conversation between two big Russian businessmen, Roman Trotsenko and Nikolai Matushevsky, was leaked online. Against this background, a big scandal broke out. The authenticity of this record has not yet been confirmed.

In it, the participants of the dialogue say that after some time “people in Russia will kill each other on the streets of Moscow, and the best gift in the family now is the citizenship of another country.”

The participants themselves, whose names are mentioned, claim that they have nothing to do with this and have not communicated with each other for a long time. So it is quite possible that this filling is the work of the enemy.

But, as noted by Yuriy Pronko, the host of “First Russian”, the question of what are the real moods of the elite and society in Russia is quite important.

Because, he says, “all these years, the Russian elite was, to put it mildly, not so patriotic to their country, to their countrymen, and constantly emphasized the desire to integrate, to join the Western community, which is now called unfriendly. “

“Now most of them are quiet, faded. Except for those who fled there like the businessman [Олег] Tinkov and the slop are also on his colleagues,” said Pronko.

The presenter discussed this topic with experts Dmitry Solonnikov and Alexey Roshtin in the program “Tsarigrad. The Main”.

What do the statistics say?

The director of the Institute of Modern State Development Dmitry Solonnikov shared his opinion on whether we can trust this leak and what public opinion polls say.

“There are published data. There is probably no reason not to trust them. The question is how to interpret them. Refusals to answer questions – from 60 to 80%. It turns out that we analyze only 20 or 40% of the answers. From 20 or 40 % of citizens who responded, 80% fully support the current course of the country and its leadership,” he stated.

“If we count from the total number of respondents, then the percentage will not be as large as it is published in the news broadcasts. It is necessary to take into account how the survey was conducted, how many people actually answered, the questions themselves and so on,” explained the expert .

“We understand that when you get a call on a mobile phone, there is no anonymity in that. So with sociology, be very careful. In general, society supports the current situation and leadership. That is beyond doubt,” Solonnikov said.

As for the elites, that is a separate conversation, he believes. First you should at least figure out who to consider elite and who not. The second point is that it is not realistic to conduct a mass sociological survey among these representatives of Russian society, he added.

“If we talk about setting goals, things can also be completely different. Someone sincerely hates everything that is happening now in the country. Either hates when he is here or hates when he leaves. Someone sincerely supports everything that is happening he explained.

“These are probably the majority of people who have actively done something, earned money, achieved, built a career. There are people who perfectly understand that here in Russia they earn money so that they can then live somewhere abroad,” explained Solonnikov.

“And there, for transportation with family, children and so on, there is real estate. This third category undoubtedly exists in our country as well. There are quite a few who decided to move from the representatives of the commercial elite and those who were in the state system administration. This was before the special operation, but it continues now. But those who hate, of these three categories, are a minority, “Solonnikov concluded.

The West squeezes the elite

Another interlocutor of Tsarigrad, political strategist, social psychologist Alexei Roshchin, explained the purpose of leaking this alleged conversation between two representatives of the Russian elite.

According to him, the main blow of the West is now directed against those 5-10% of people in Russia, who are considered the richest in the country. They restrict them for visas, file cases against them, arrest and confiscate property, etc.

“That is, they make it clear in every way that as long as the current regime rules in Russia, they will not have any options,” he said.

“They will be pressured in every way, belittled and not allowed anywhere. And many members of the elite have fully understood this message,” explained the expert.

“For example, do something because while everything is as it is in your country, we [Западът] we won’t give you a break,” Roschin said.

He noted that many things have changed in the country over the past year. Inflation has risen, some businesses have closed, there is less work for the population. On top of that, there was a partial mobilization.

But overall, for the majority of the population, nothing has changed. Which cannot be said about the representatives of the elite. Because now they are being hunted, Roschin stressed.

“I think that the majority of the so-called elite in Russia perceives what is happening negatively. After all, they lived well before that,” he said.

“And what is happening now brings them losses and very doubtful dividends in the future. I think about 80 percent are dissatisfied. But they are too cowardly and value their status too much to decide on some desperate actions.” explained the expert.

“I think that all these disgruntled conversations are real. Although, of course, they vehemently deny it,” summed up Alexey Roschin.

Translation: SM

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