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The reasons for the coup

Libreville, Tuesday, September 5, 2023 (Gabon Info) – The President of the Transition, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, explained on Monday why the Defense and Security Forces decided to take matters into their own hands.

The eyes and ears of the whole world were turned yesterday at midday towards the seaside Palace in Libreville where the solemn investiture hearing of the President of the Transition was held. As this moment of the Gabonese Nation was awaited, in his first official speech pronounced, Brigadier General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema spoke without jargon and without demagogy.

In the presence of dignitaries of the old regime, the senior officer returned to the reasons that prompted the Defense and Security Forces to overthrow the institutions in place on August 30th. “The Defense and Security Forces of our country took their responsibilities by refusing the electoral coup which had just been announced by the Gabonese Election Center following an outrageously biased electoral process. It was without any violence, without clashes and without bloodshed that the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Institutions (CTRI) changed the regime in place, which had been confiscating the power of the institutions of the Republic for a few years, in defiance blatant democratic rules. This unprecedented patriotic action will undoubtedly remain a ‘‘case study” in the annals of history,” he said. An unprecedented outing which aroused loud applause both within the hemicycle and outside the presidential palace.

Guarantee the rights of the people

According to him, this act of bravery was motivated by a desire to restore the people’s rights. “The Republican army is part of the refusal to support a felony which would have, once too many, cost the lives of many citizens. The people simply demand that their rights be guaranteed through functioning institutions. The defense and security forces had a double choice: either to kill Gabonese, who would have legitimately demonstrated, or to put an end to a loaded electoral process, the conditions of which did not allow for democratic expression”, a- he indicated. “It is with all responsibility that we said: ‘NO. Never again in our beautiful country Gabon! “. This is an opportunity for us to thank the support of the people who spontaneously joined in this patriotic act”, continued the President of the Transition.

At the source of African wisdom

Brice General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema and his brothers in arms seem to have drunk at the source of the wisdom of two African statesmen whose words have not aged. “Allow me to remind you of the words spoken by the late President Omar Bongo in this room, at the end of 42 years of reign after the late President Léon Mba, first President of Gabon: ‘God did not give us the right to do with Gabon what we are doing, he is watching us. He says have fun. The day when he also wants to sanction us, he will do it, ”he said. “As the former Ghanaian president, Jerry John Rawlings, said: ‘When the people are crushed by their leaders, with the complicity of the judges, it is up to the army to set them free,'” he said. he called back.


Copyright Infos Gabon

READ ALSO Gabon: Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, from shadow to light.

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