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the reason why the Catholic Church commemorates this date

August 27, 2024 – 11:05 By TodoJujuy.com Editorial Staff

Every day, the Catholic Saints offers the opportunity to delve into the lives of those who dedicated their existence to service of God and others. These narrativesfull of devotion, fe y dearinspire and encourage you to follow their example. Therefore, discover why the catholic community commemorates this Tuesday, August 27, 2024a Santa Monica and others santos y happy highlights on this date of calendar.

The Catholic calendar of saints offers the opportunity to learn more about the exploits of men and women who dedicated their lives to serving God and their neighbors.

Who was it? Santa Monica?

Santa Monicamother of Saint Augustineis famous for having achieved the conversion of his son. He was born in You will returnin it North Africain the year 332. Since her youth, Monica demonstrated a rigorous education y disciplinedalthough he later deviated from the norms and began to consume vinoHowever, after an incident, he decided to leave the alcohol and transformed into a remarkably woman devoted after his baptism.

Monica married a man named Patriciowho was of character irascible, unfaithful and without religious beliefs. Despite the difficulties in her married life, Monica dedicated her time to pray and do sacrifices for the conversion of her husband, finally achieving that he baptizedHowever, his eldest son, Augustineproved to be a considerable challenge. Augustine led a life full of sin and joined a sect known as the Manicheans. However, Monica never stopped her prayers and in its esperanza for the conversion of his son.

Saint Monica was the mother of Saint Augustine and became famous for achieving the conversion of her son.

Monica followed Augustine to Roma in order to protect it from the moral temptationsthus demonstrating her firmness and determination as a mother. Milanmet with Saint Ambrosewho offered him valuable tips. Finally, in the year 387Augustine lived a deep spiritual transformation and submitted to the baptism. Monica was able to die peacefully, having fulfilled her greatest desire. longing to see his son converted. Since then, Santa Monica has been invoked by numerous mothers y wives who seek the conversion of their loved ones.

For those who practice this faith, a prominent way to honor this saint is to reflect her dedication to God and provide support to others whenever the opportunity arises.

Monica married a man named Patricio, who was ill-tempered, a womanizer, and had no religion.

All Saints’ Days celebrated on Tuesday, August 27, 2024

He August 27th It also commemorates the festivity of various santos y happy. Among them is Saint Anthusawho sacrificed his life for his belief in Cristo. In addition, it is remembered that San Cesareo de Arlesand obispo known for its great wisdom y piety. It is also celebrated San David Lewisand English priest that was martyred for his loyalty to the Catholic church.

Tribute is also paid to Saint Gebhard of Constanceand obispo who devoted himself tirelessly to the evangelism his ecclesiastical territory. It is also remembered Saint Guarino of Zionand monk notable for his intense life of prayer y penanceAnother saint celebrated on this date is Saint John of Paviaand hermit who dedicated his existence to the meditation already the selfless help towards those most in need.

It is also commemorated Saint Licerio of Couseransand obispo notable for his fervor apostolic and his compassion towards the disadvantaged. It is also remembered San Narno of Bergamoand martyr who defended his faith during periods of persecution. In addition, on this date we honor Saint Poemeno of Thebaidand desert monk known for his intense life of prayer y penance.

August 27 is also the feast day of several saints and blesseds.

In addition, the celebration is held memory of Saint Rufo of Capuaand obispo that promoted the unit and the harmony in its diocese. Tribute is also paid to several happyamong them Angel Conti, Carlos Renato Collas du Bignon, Sunday of the Mother of God Barberi, Fernando González Añón, Francis of Santa Maria and his companions, Juan Bautista Vernoy de Montjournal, Maria del Pilar Izquierdo Albero, Raimundo Marti Soriano y Rogerio Cadwalador. These happy son models of Christian life and examples of fe for all faithful.

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