Home » today » News » The Reason New York Would Face a Public Safety Crisis Following Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination Mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The Reason New York Would Face a Public Safety Crisis Following Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination Mandate | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

vaccination mandate, bemandatory from Mondayand it is expected that the panoramaget worse.new york could face apublic security crisis, nowthan thousands of cops,firefighters, paramedics and othersemployees remain non-compliantwith the vaccination mandatethat will be mandatory fromof Monday. 10 are reportedclosed fire stationsdue to lack of staff.damaris íaz tells us wingsabout this impasse.cops and firefighters serving andprotecting the city. those whothey did not show to have at leasta dose of the vaccine againstthe covid19 before 5:00in the afternoon, they will be placed inleave without pay forviolate the mandate of the mayor.These New Yorkers share theiropinion.it’s a bit dangerous, becauseif there is fire or someemergency, what are we going togo ?. if there are less copsand firefighters.damaris: although the ultiatummotive some uniformed tobe inoculated for fear ofrun out of income carryingthe nacón rate betweenpublic employees to 71%,requirement triggered one is utawith some unions ofcops and uniformed,as reiterated by the president ofthe association and the firefightersduring the conference ofpress.they did not grant an extensionnor the parameters that we useddamaris: I think all theworld should be vaccinated.they need the cops andfirefighters.damaris: they are already firing andsanctioning the staff ofemergencies that have not been fulfilledwith the vaccination mandate.four firefighters againYork were suspended aftersit in the office of astate senator to showyour disagreement with the mandateof vaccination.is dealing with a shortage ofpersonal and this does not have todo with the vaccine.councilor cabrera warnedthat the vaccination mandatecould leave the forces oforder without resources, impactingnegatively publishes them.many cops said thatthey are not ready to receive thevaccine crime has risen byunder.damaris: the jailers ofrikers islands will tend tofirst December 1 forget vaccinated against covid19.

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