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The reason Godzilla grows 30 times faster than other animals: Okezone techno

JAKARTA – There is a cipher reason Godzilla it can grow 30 times faster than other animals. Even if he’s just a fictional character in a movie, if his existence is real this monster has fantastic growth.

Research in the journal Science, created by Nathaniel J. Domiy, claimed that Godzilla’s growth was a record in evolution.

Godzilla first appeared on the small screen, precisely in 1954, just 50 meters high. After dozens of films about it have been released, the monster is now almost 120 meters tall.

The researchers’ analysis found that Godzilla had evolved 30 times faster than any other organism on Earth. What’s the reason?

According to the researchers, the significant growth of Godzilla’s fictional character is caused by humans experiencing cultural anxiety or a culture of collective anxiety.

This, as compiled by Live Science, Monday (24/20/20222), causes Godzilla to grow so big faster than athletes using steroids.

“We think cultural anxiety may be the driver of change in this metaphorical monster movie,” said lead author Nathaniel J. Dominy.

There are many scientific theories that attempt to explain other reasons for Godzilla’s size. One of them, Godzilla is a ceratosaurid dinosaur that lived in the Jurassic period (201 to 145 million years ago).

Dominy and colleagues dispute this. According to them, Godzilla’s growth rate far exceeded that of the dinosaurs. They added that Godzilla grew too fast when genetic diversity was limited.

Furthermore, the researchers explain that natural selection, in which organisms with better genes can survive and pass them on to their offspring, cannot explain Godzilla’s rapid growth.

Therefore, the researchers invite us to look at the story of Godzilla. According to the researchers, Godzilla was created, partly due to human fear after the use of atomic and hydrogen bombs in the 1940s and 1950s.

In the story of Godzilla, the test of a hydrogen bomb that destroys the ecosystem he lives in at the bottom of the sea angers him and destroys Tokyo.

To test the idea that anxiety fueled Godzilla’s growth, the researchers studied the US military budget as a proxy for the country’s general anxiety.

From there, the researchers found a strong correlation between budget size and Godzilla’s body size from 1954 to 2019.

In fact, this correlation doesn’t mean Godzilla is growing rapidly. And it’s possible that this stature was due to other factors, such as people’s passion for monsters which were huge and scary, which made him a box office hit.

However, if anxiety turns out to be the reason behind Godzilla’s rapid growth, it’s not hard to see the reason behind this anxiety.

According to Dominy and his colleague Ryan Calsbeek, anxiety can be the result of geopolitical instability, terrorist threats or other fears.

The researchers also added that climate change is helping to increase human collective anxiety.

“Godzilla is a useful metaphor for any kind of existential threat we collectively face, whether it’s a nuclear bomb or climate change,” he said.

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