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The reason George Clooney gave 14 friends a million each for free

One of the most curious cases in Hollywood is that of Keanu Reeves, the actor who least fits in that puzzle of mansions, expensive cars and other luxuries that is built around the largest film industry in the world: known for donate millions of dollars a year to hospitals for the treatment of childhood cancer, the protagonist of sagas like The Matrix or John Wick bought his first home in 2003 (at the age of 40 and after amassing a fortune), takes public transport and is said to have gifted thousands of dollars to strangers he met on the street. Saving the distances, there is only another similar case in Hollywood: that of George Clooney, who in 2013 gave a million dollars a head to 14 of his closest friends.

The famous actor and director hasn’t always been one of the most recognizable faces on the planet. In fact, his fame came relatively late (after 30, thanks to his starring role in the series ‘Emergencies’) and his film career is far from a bed of rosesAfter failing to finish Journalism, he spent many years combining his sporadic appearances in film and television with works such as sale of shoes for women and suits for men, sale of door-to-door insurance, warehouse worker, bricklayer, cutting tobacco …

So Clooney knows how to value what his closest friends have done to help him through the toughest moments and indirectly for helping you get where you are today. Because in the 80s, when the actor went from casting to casting without standing out in any of them, there were situations in which only real friends helped him, as he recognized in one recent interview on ‘GQ’: “I’ve slept on their couches when I was broke. They loaned me money when I was bankrupt. They have helped me when I have needed help over the years. And I have helped them over the years.”

“It is clear to me that these guys, over a period of 35 years, they helped me in one way or another “added the actor, who decided to invite them to a dinner at his house in 2013. The film ‘Gravity’ had just become a success, which meant a totally unexpected income for Clooney – starring with Sandra Bullock-. “Since they didn’t want to pay us, they gave us shares of the film, because they thought it was going to be a failure and it ended up being a very good deal “. With his bank account overflowing, the actor decided to give back to his friends all their support throughout his life.

I buy 14 suitcases and filled each one with a million dollars in cash, as only happens in movies. When they showed up at his house, he gave them their bags. “So, I just pulled up a map and pointed out all the places I could go in the world and all the things I could see thanks to them. And I said, ‘How do you get paid to people like that?’ And I added, ‘Well, how about a million dollars?’ “Clooney recounted in the interview.

“I know we’ve all been through difficult times, some of you are still having a hard time … Now, you don’t have to worry about your children; you don’t have to worry about school; you don’t have to worry about paying the mortgage “Clooney explained, as revealed by one of the attendees of the famous dinner. Without a doubt, a token of gratitude that is hardly ever seen in the world.

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