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The Reality Pro: Apple’s Virtual Reality Headset and the Biggest Leaks Dispute

A few days ago Apple announced through a press release that it would hold its WWDC23 between June 5 and 9 of this year. As one might expect, the rumors surrounding the Keynote they have not stopped making appearances since thenbeing the most repeated that of the Reality Pro, Apple’s virtual reality helmet.

Until a couple of days ago, everything seemed to indicate that this new device would be launched during the Worldwide Developers Conference. However, on Friday Kuo arrived, dropped the bombshell that he might be delayed, and caused one of the biggest disputes in the world of leaks in recent years.

The two big ones, on trial

Gurman and Kuo are, in a way, the Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo of the leaks. Everyone has their favourite, but everyone agrees that both are very good. That is precisely why it is very rare for them to disagree on something as momentous as this.

Initially, Gurman had said that we would see the virtual reality headset in March or April. He later explained that due to a series of problems we would be going to WWDC23. Kuo then commented on his Twitter account that the same was still further delayed. Finally, Mark said yesterday in his newsletter Power On no, what the Reality Pro are not going to be delayed anymoreand they will be out in June.

Gurman is a curious person. He usually filters things from him and doesn’t pay much attention to what the rest says. Of course, it is a lot to delete all reference to the original leak of him and pretend he never said such a thing if someone opposes youor directly had been mistaken.

I think by now we will all remember the famously redesigned Apple Watch Series 7. Jon Prosser leaked what was supposed to be the new design of this Apple device. We were all waiting for him at the Keynote. However, the day of the event arrived, and what was presented did not agree at all with what Prosser had said. It was quite a blow to his credibility, but it also made us discover something about Gurman, even if many didn’t realize it.

A few months after that event, Mark tried to make fun of Ian Zelbo (who was rendering Jon’s renders at the time) for the failure they had with the Series 7 design. However, they reminded him that he had also said , 48 hours before that event, that the Apple Watch would be flat. After that, Gurman deleted his tweet and did not refer to the matter again. Sometimes that ego can get a bit of him, and therefore that he has reaffirmed himself against Kuo is a good sign.

If Gurman hadn’t been 100% sure he was right, he would have deleted his tweets talking about Reality Pros to avoid a scenario where he wasn’t right. However, he has stuck to his guns, which is a good thing, since knowing him he has to be too sure to go against Kuo. We will see how events unfold, but everything seems to indicate that we will see the famous helmet very soon.

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