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The Reality of Middle East Conflict: A Look at the Yom Kippur War and Modern Day Injustice

Then Muslim migrants around the world celebrated the slaughter of Jews. When the situation turned, they raised a howl for justice and humanism.

50 years ago, the Yom Kippur War began in the same way in 1973 – then Israel was struck suddenly on October 6. Prime Minister at that time was Golda Meir, who was born in Kiev and became a political legend. She admitted her mistakes and stepped down, despite the enormous successes of her reign.

On October 7 of this year over 250 Jewish hostages were kidnapped, from babies a few months old to the elderly, many of them with health problems, injuries and in a state of shock. Hundreds, even thousands, were killed – the number could not have been clear at the time.

The State of Israel stood up to defend its citizens and territory by retaliating against the unprovoked massacre. And resolutions, appeals flew – the UN topped the ranking for the largest producer of such, followed by the EU – for the Israelis to observe the rules of humanism.

Only a month and a few days later, when the blood on the Israeli streets and homes had not yet dried, in London and other cities around the world, Muslims poured into the squares in waves with furious attacks and deadly threats against the Jews. That’s right – to the Jews, not just against Israel. In Canada several times Muslims have bombed a school with Jewish children. In Bulgaria, Muslims from Arab countries are also protesting against Tel Aviv.

Frightened by the outcry or driven by a desire to please the Muslim world, some Western leaders began to appeal to the crowd, advising Israel to cease fire. In other words: What is done is done… Swallow the bloody massacres and sit down at the negotiating table with Hamas and the rest of the terrorists in the region.

It’s sad that this is happening.

At the time when Hitler and Stalin in the fall of 1939 invaded Poland and began to slaughter and loot one of the great countries in Europe, France and Great Britain excused themselves that they could not help at the moment. However, when the Führer walks by the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and takes pictures at Napoleon’s grave, and his planes bombard London, the English and French understand what kind of world carnage is involved.

When the German psychopath attacked the Soviet Union in June 1941 and Stalin realized that he was not the only madman with pathological ambitions and a machine gun in hand.

The most recent example of such a nightmare is the treacherous invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Since then, Putin’s hordes have been slaughtering Ukrainians and burning their villages and land because that is what the sick brain in the Kremlin decided.

And more and more often we hear calls from various countries for Kiev to stop resisting and negotiate with Moscow. Bulgarian President Rumen Radev is one of those who profess such a thesis. Russia has taken 20% of your territory, destroyed everything in its path, but that is the situation. Better to put up and negotiate something.

The Russian army every day attacks Kiev, Odessa and dozens of other cities, villages, factories, enterprises, dams, schools, hospitals, etc. with missiles, but Ukraine, you see, has no right to hit objects on Russian territory. Because it was something like breaking the rules. The rules? Did the International Court in The Hague declare Putin a war criminal and issue a warrant for his arrest? Have thousands of evidences of war crimes committed in Bucha and dozens of other settlements been provided to the UN and countless other organizations? What the hell rules are you talking about? Putin amnesties convicted murderers with heavy sentences to fight for a month or two in Ukraine, then free to kill again in his own country.

Let’s go back to the Middle East. Jews have been living on the lands of David’s kingdom since 1020 BC. Over 3 thousand years! During all this time, this nation has defended its faith and life from the hundreds of attacks and demands of the surrounding Muslim world. The Jews are not the holy water that has not been drunk, there is no dispute, but they are also an example of how to defend a family and a country.

Analysts, journalists and politicians in Bulgaria (we see the same thing in the world) are increasingly calling on Tel Aviv to stop military actions because civilians were dying in Gaza. But they fail to mention that the bloodbath was started by the butchers of Hamas, and the Israeli actions are a response.


Oriana Fallaci needs no introduction, but I will remind you just in case, that this is the journalist who has become a symbol of intransigence towards terrorism and extreme Islamism. Her civic position seems to be more relevant today than ever.

Here is an excerpt from her book of interviews. “Interview with myself. Apocalypse”:

“Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims”

“First of all, about the growth of Islamic terrorism. The destruction of the decapitated, the slaughtered, the shot in the back, the bomb-torn dead. The dead listed by me in the note to readers of this book. The dead to whom I dedicate this book. And at the same time, the fact that especially in Italy, people are already used to it, as if they really have a stamp on their forehead and on their right hand. Oh, at certain times they still react. When another abduction is reported on the evening news on television (in nine out of ten cases it is a prelude to a gruesome death), there are those who cover their faces with their hands and begin to curse. Perhaps someone remembers that kidnapping people is an old habit of the Beast. A habit that comes from the time of the Mamluk Turks, when they landed on our Adriatic coast and, in addition to robbery, murder and destruction, kidnapped people to sell them in the slave markets of Tunis, Algiers or Istanbul. And the other habit – beheading people, as Muhammad did, as his followers did for thirteen hundred years. When the news reports that the horrible death has already occurred, that the abductee has been slaughtered, beheaded, shot in the back of the head, someone probably reacts too. “Oh, what a horror! What a shame,” they say. But they soon forget…

In certain cases, if you get used to something, you are already guilty. If you get used to something, then you are a masochist. Habit relaxes you, relaxation leads to apathy, apathy leads to inertia, and inertia leads to indifference. And besides preventing you from having normal standards of morality, indifference destroys the instinct of self-preservation. The one that makes you watch out, fight. I wonder how the Italians will react when the monster attacks them in their own house. When he attacks them while they are walking with their family or working in a skyscraper or traveling on the train or attending a church service. Because sooner or later what happened in New York and in Madrid and in so many other parts of the world, which happens all the time in Israel and in Iraq, will happen to us too – there they kill you even when you are in the church. Our salvation will not come by making calls for hospitality, by taking in all those who invade Lampedusa, by giving them political asylum and the right to vote, by talking about pacifism and multiculturalism, by calling butchers ‘fighters.'”


The amendment is being “written” by Hamas before our eyes. Are we blind or deaf? Why are we afraid to admit that Israel is fighting back, not the aggressor – it is the victim? Is it that difficult? What is this twisted political correctness they are trying to foist on us? 150 million Arab community accuses 5 million Israel of being a threat?

According to the latest figures from Forbes, Arabic and Turkish publications, Hamas leaders are basking in luxury, gold and diamonds, while their compatriots in Gaza are barely surviving and thanks to international aid.

The terrorist Khaled Mashal owns more than 4 billion dollars. The media write that he deals in drugs, weapons and money laundering. Over 4 billion there is also Ismail Hania, who boasts that he is a humble Muslim, but Western publications constantly find him in expensive establishments in the West in the company of models and companions.

Musa Abu Markouz and “poorer” and his wealth is “only” 3 billion dollars. Owns businesses, hotels and restaurants in over 10 countries.

The list includes at least a dozen names of prominent Hamas members with fortunes over $1 billion.

However, these people are not helping their fellow man, but calling on the EU, US, UN and the rest of the world to pour money and aid into Gaza and the Palestinians.

Things should be spelled out clearly.

Hamas is the aggressor – Israel is the victim.

Russia is the aggressor – Ukraine is the victim.

Putin and Hamas are wielding the saber and they must be called out and forced to stop the wanton massacres.

It is.

Ognyan Stefanov

2023-11-18 07:44:35
#time #realities #Hamas #Moscow #terrorists #Israel..

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