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The real New York sky looked suspiciously like the Avengers

Young adult fiction author Scott Westerfeld recently posted a photo of the New York City skyline with a hole in the clouds that looked like the portal seen in The Avengers. The 2012 film became the third highest grossing film of all time at the time, grossing over $ 1.5 billion. Avengers was a huge success that raised the popularity of the Marvel Cinematic Universe to the mainstream. Audiences filled the halls to see fan favorites like Iron Man, Thor, and Captain America save Earth from Loki and his army.

In the movie, Thanos asks Loki to steal the Tesseract to invade Earth and kill its citizens. After being hypnotized by Loki, scientist Erik Selvig uses the Tesseract to open a portal through the universe. It does this on top of a New York City skyscraper and thus creates a huge hole in the sky. The public learns in Avengers: Infinity War that this was just the start of Thanos’ plan to destroy half of all life in the universe.

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