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The real master who dominates the expansion of the universe and determines the fate of the universe | supernova | accelerated expansion | dark energy

Beijing time:2021-01-22 04:43

[New Tang Dynasty News from January 22, 2021, Beijing time]In 1998, two independent research teams in the United States passed researchSupernova,FindspaceAuthenticAccelerated expansion, And even discovered that it started to accelerate 5 billion years ago. This means that there must be some mysterious power in the universe that is still unknown!Because on the large scale of the universe, whether it’s ordinary matter, antimatter, orDark matter, Gravity is the first force, and objects will only attract each other. In the long run, the universe will eventually expand and slow down, or even collapse, instead of accelerating its expansion! And all existences known to mankind cannot accelerate the expansion of the entire universe. Physicists had to introduce a new cosmic force, which they called “Dark energy」。

spaceDeep Space (Schematic: Pixabay)

Not long ago, the research team of the National Astronomical Observatory of China releasedDark energyThe strongest observational evidence.The research work used the Sloan Galaxy Survey Telescope to explore the space-time range of the universe from 700 million to 1.8 billion light-years away from us, mapped the cosmic distribution of millions of galaxies, and calculated the universeAccelerated expansionthe process of. Such investigations will help scientists better define the nature of dark energy. Modern cosmology speculates that dark energy is the main component of the universe. It can be found in every corner of the universe, and may even be around us, but we cannot detect its existence by usual means.

Scientists currently know only the tip of the iceberg about dark energy. So what is this mysterious dark energy? Mankind’s understanding of the universe has been improving. Earlier before Einstein, people believed that the universe was still. In 1917, Einstein proposed “Theory of Relativity”. He was very excited to use the conclusions he obtained to calculate the evolution of the universe. As a result, he got two amazing conclusions.

The calculation results show that the universe is either expanding or shrinking. This result greatly exceeded the people’s understanding of the universe at that time. In 1929, Hubble observed that many galaxies were getting farther and farther from the earth, which to some extent proved the fact that the universe is accelerating. Subsequently, more and more evidence proved that the universe is like an expanding balloon. Who is inflating this “balloon”? Where does the energy behind this come from? The mysterious behind the expansion of the universe is the “dark energy” that scientists have named.

spaceDark matter(Illustration: Pixabay)

Dark energy is different from the dark matter we discovered before. Dark matter refers to matter that does not emit any light or electromagnetic radiation. At present, people can only discover their existence indirectly through the gravitational effect produced by dark matter. Dark matter provides gravitation in the entire universe. The reason why our galaxies are as they are now is the contribution of dark matter. Dark energy provides the repulsive force required for the expansion of the universe. The part we can see and perceive currently only accounts for about 4% of the universe. Dark matter accounts for about 21% of the universe. The remaining 75% is dark energy. .

Dark energy accounts for 75% of the universe (Screenshot from Science and Education/YouTube)

In July last year, the research team of the National Astronomical Observatory of China probed the spectra of millions of galaxies. After knowing their three-dimensional space distribution, they used this point to measure the expansion rate of the entire universe. The phenomenon of accelerated expansion of the universe was also discovered, which has become one of the most direct evidence of the existence of dark energy. However, the composition of dark energy is still an unsolved mystery. No matter what dark energy is, there is no doubt that it dominates the expansion of the entire universe and determines the ultimate fate of the universe.

(From the Voice of Hope International Radio/Editor: Ye Ping)

URL of this article: https://www.ntdtv.com/b5/2021/01/19/a103035385.html

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