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The Real-Life Inspiration Behind “Dexter”: The Story of Pedro Rodrigues Filho

Adapted from the book “Darkly Dreaming Dexter” by Jeff Lindsay, the “Dexter” series followed the adventures of Dexter Morgan, a serial killer who only attacks criminals. A character who would have been inspired by Pedro Rodrigues Filho, a Brazilian serial killer.

When reality goes beyond fiction. Adapted from the book “Darkly Dreaming Dexter” by Jeff Lindsay published in 2004, the series “Dexter» tells the adventures of Dexter Morgan, a member of the Miami police specializing in crime scene analysis, who is in fact a murderous psychopath. The character played by actor Michael C. Hall strictly follows the code instilled by Harry, the police officer who adopted him when he was just a child having just witnessed the brutal murder of his mother, and who will teach him to only kill criminals to satisfy his desire for murder.

This anti-hero was inspired by a real serial killer living in Brazil, Pedro Rodrigues Filho, whose life is worthy of a novel. On the day of his birth, July 17, 1954, doctors discovered that his skull had a fracture, and an injury that would remain forever, due to the kicks given by his father in his mother’s womb while she was pregnant.

Urgency to kill

It was at the age of 13 that Pedro Rodrigues Filho, who admitted to having begun to feel an “urgency to kill” from that age, made his first murder attempt by pushing his cousin into a sugar cane press during a fight. His eldest will escape with his life, but one arm less. A year later, he killed his father’s employer after his decision to fire the latter for a theft he had not committed. He will then find the trace of the man he suspected of being the real author of the theft, and will also kill him.

After moving to the town of Mogi Das Cruzes, where he met Maria Aparecida Olympia, he discovered one day, with horror, that she – then pregnant with him – had been murdered by members of a gang to whom belonged to a drug dealer he had just killed.

According to the British site The Sun, he will manage to find and identify the authors. And it is during the celebration of their leader’s wedding that he and some friends will come and wreak carnage, killing 7 people in total, and injuring 16. Pedro Rodrigues Filho has only just turned 18.

A point in common with the character in the series, the one nicknamed “Pedrinho Matador”, explains that he makes a point of never attacking innocent people, but always criminals. He is said to have had more than 100 victims before his arrest in 1973. Once in prison, the death toll continued to rise, with more than 40 murders. For example, he would have found himself on board a police van responsible for taking him to prison with another detainee. Without the police realizing it during the journey, Pedro Rodrigues Filho will murder this notorious rapist, only discovering the body upon arrival at the detention center.

He also personally killed his father after his father took advantage of being behind bars to beat his mother to death. “I found my way to my father’s cell. He was afraid of me. He was afraid that I would take his life, so he waited until I was in prison to kill my mother,” he said. Once faced with his father, he will stab him 22 times, before removing his heart from his chest, chewing pieces of it, and spitting them out on the body.

Prison exit

You would think that a man like Pedro Rodrigues Filho would be kept behind bars for life, especially after his initial sentence of nearly 130 years in prison, which was reportedly extended to more than 400 years following the prison murders. But in Brazil, a law prevents prisoners from remaining locked up for more than 30 years. In 2007, after 34 years in cell, Pedro Rodrigues Filho was released.

According to the website of The Toronto Sun, he was arrested again in 2011, this time for threats, possession of weapons, and participation in riots. It will come out 7 years later completely changed. Pedro Rodrigues Filho began creating a podcast that became very popular in which he looked back on his past, the fact of having no intention of killing again unless someone came after him or those close to him. , and the right to a second chance in life. He was murdered last Marchat 68 years old, on a street in the town of Mogi Das Cruzes, not far from the large metropolis Sao Paulo.

“Even those who are seen as evil can see the light. No one said it would be easy, and I own my mistakes. I have paid the price, and I no longer need to be judged by anyone. For those who have faith, follow me on the path towards the light, because darkness has already consumed two thirds of my existence,” he launched in particular on the short video platform Kwai, where he had become a star, with more than 267,000 subscribers.

2023-09-13 06:14:33
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