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The real Donnarumma remained at Wembley: PSG and Italy reveal their frailties, rumors about Juve … | First page

The Gigio of Wembley would get there. It is a widespread feeling that, on the conclusion of Trajkovski who at 92nd broke Italy’s World Cup dreams, the usual Donnarumma would have taken that half step forward that would probably have allowed him to get better on the ball thrown by the former Palermo player. But the best version of the goalkeeper born in ’99voted first in the performance ranking of the last European triumph and among the protagonists of the cavalcade that brought Milan back to the Champions League, she stayed right in London and penalties neutralized in Sancho and Saka. From that moment on began a slow descent into hell which, in the space of a few weeks, led him first to an incredible elimination in the round of 16 of the big-eared cup at the hands of Real Madrid and then to fail the first great goal with the blue shirt.

HAS LOST SUPERPOWERS – He could and should have been one of the most anticipated stars at the World Championship in Qataralso because the organizers of the tournament are the owners of that Paris Saint-Germain in which Gigio is for now only one of many, actually ending up in the dock for that mistake on Benzema that started the overbearing comeback of the blancos. The enormous pressure aroused by his controversial farewell to Milan on a free transfer and landing in a team full of stars – but also internal jealousies in the locker room – they seem to have undermined that aura of emotional impermeability which had always characterized the strong number one of Castellammare di Stabia. Thus emerged the uncertainties and frailties of a 23-year-old boy not used to managing so many difficulties all together. and, with them, the hostility of that Rossoneri cheer who did not forgive him the farewell and who in “his” San Siro, on the occasion of the Nations League match with Spain last October, whistled him loudly for the first time, bringing him to tears. Everything that happened then, up to the uncertainty about Trajkovski’s conclusion, is only a consequence of the previous one.

THE CALL OF ITALY – If it goes well, Donnarumma will therefore play his first World Cup at 27, an unthinkable situation for someone who, on a purely technical level, remains one of the strongest goalkeepers in the world in perspective. If the maximum international limelight becomes a discourse to be temporarily put in the drawer, the shorter-term future brings it back to Paris and to that PSG in which the revolution planned for next summer will also affect many players but probably not him. The contract signed last summer is long (expires in 2026) and expensivegiven that the current 7 million net per season is set to rise to 12 in the coming seasons, yet the appeal of Italy and a more familiar environment is strong. Juventus has never hidden admiration and interest to get his hands on the former Milan number one, in particular when Fabio Paratici was in charge of the Juventus technical area; his alternation with Cherubini and the spending review that came from the new one in Arrivabene (in addition to the impossibility of finding a buyer for Szczesny) have stopped everything, but no one can rule out that it is a postponed appointment. Like the one with the World Cup, the ideal stage for a champion like Donnarumma. But the real one.-

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