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The Reagan Doctrine: Influenced by the Book ‘The Most Powerful Ally’ by Dr. Stefan Marinov

Few know how the Reagan Doctrine was born and the fact that it was heavily influenced by the book “The Most Powerful Ally” by Dr. Stefan Marinov

Sofia, Bulgaria04 July 2023, 01:40 33796 read 6 comments

In the eyes of most Eastern Europeans, Ronald Reagan is our liberator from Soviet dependence. But few know how the Reagan Doctrine was born and the fact that it was heavily influenced by Dr. Stefan Marinov’s book The Most Powerful Ally.

The Bulgarian political scientist was born in Sofia in the year of the declaration of Bulgarian independence. He finished high school in the German city of Hamburg, and received his higher education in philosophy and political science at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Until the beginning of the Second World War, Marinov lived in Sofia and appeared as a journalist and writer. He was mobilized as part of the Bulgarian military corps in the new lands, in Macedonia. Anticipating the communist bacchanalia in our country after the Soviet occupation, Stefan Marinov emigrated to Germany, writes “Maritsa”.

In 1948, he defended his doctorate in philosophy at the University of Cologne. He became a member of the Bulgarian government in exile headed by Prof. Alexander Tsankov. He is engaged in journalism and collaborates with a number of world newspapers and magazines on topics related to the Eastern European peoples oppressed by the Russian Bolsheviks.

He is a member of the CSU and for 15 years was a political advisor to its chairman, Franz Josef Strauss. In 1980, Dr. Marinov’s book titled “The Most Powerful Ally” was published. In this political work of his, the author exposes the demagoguery of Soviet politics and ideology that insists on “peaceful coexistence” through a coherent and convincing system of arguments.

And in fact it works for the imposition of the despotic communist system throughout the world by means of three powerful factors: the socialist camp, the national liberation movements in the Third World and the financing of communist parties in capitalist countries.

The contribution of this book is that in it Dr. Marinov justifies the need for a new approach in the fight against communism.

According to him, The “detente” between the West and the Soviet bloc worked to Moscow’s advantage.

This concept was adopted by the administration of President Reagan, who announced his infamous campaign against the Evil Empire and thus hastened the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the socialist bloc.

On June 8, 1982, in a speech to the British House of Commons, President Reagan declared: “The advance of freedom and democracy will consign Marxism and Leninism to the dustbin of history, where all tyrannies that stifle freedom and limit the right of peoples to self-expression end up.” Let us spare no effort now to do what is best—a crusade for freedom.”

And a year later, Secretary of State George Schultz presented the new one at a press conference at the State Department doctrine of the Reagan administration, the main “pillars” of which were copied from the book “The Most Powerful Ally”:

– Dispelling the fear arising from the danger of nuclear war, with which Moscow is bluffing.

– Encouraging liberation movements and dissidence in the Eastern Bloc.

– Termination of supplies to the USSR of electronic equipment, grain, pharmacological agents, etc.

– Strengthening the countries of the Third World against the simulated invasion of the USSR through internal insurrectionary actions. Such was the case with Nicaragua, and since then so-called revolutionary movements have failed in any country.

Stefan Marinov lived to see the collapse of the USSR and the Eastern Communist Bloc. He passed away at the patriarchal age in 1999. Fortunately, another Bulgarian – Dr. Mihail Krastev, has preserved first-person memories of Dr. St. Marinov.

“In December 1991 and January 1992, I had the pleasure of visiting the home of the great Bulgarian patriot Stefan Marinov in the beautiful English Garden neighborhood of Munich – says Dr. Krastev, who is one of the founders of the SDS in Plovdiv. – We had very interesting meetings – with part of the Bulgarian emigration in Munich, with CDU MPs in the Bundesrat /provincial parliaments/ and the Bundestag”.

Stefan Marinov is not well known to the Bulgarian public, but his photos with Helmut Kohl, Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan, which hang on the walls of his office, speak eloquently about his popularity. Of course, during the meeting of the two Bulgarians, the book “The Most Powerful Ally” came up.

“Yes, I am one of the few who own this historical book with an autograph and dedication – Mihail Krastev recalls. – It was issued under the pseudonym Stefan Troyanski, as a precautionary measure. In it, Dr. Marinov describes the situation of the European nations enslaved by the Kremlin and proves that they are the greatest ally of the Free World in its fight against communism. It is noteworthy that he is one of the few people who predicted the end of communism within the twentieth century.”

From his long conversations with Dr. Marinov, the Plovdiv democrat also learned an almost unknown fact for Bulgarian society. As a well-known and influential journalist during the last years of the Kingdom of Bulgaria St. Marinov was familiar with the defense plan of the Bulgarian General Staff to protect our country from the aggression of the Bolshevik Red Army.

“A very good one was made at the General Staff in our Ministry of War Defense plan – to protect Bulgaria from Bolshevism – said Dr. Marinov. – Which became very relevant after the defeat of the Germans at Stalingrad. The Red Army was advancing towards us. Two defensive lines were built. The first was considered weak – the Danube River, but the second was very difficult to conquer – Stara Planina.”

Concrete bunkers were built at all the passes to defend them. Such bunkers were also built along the Black Sea coast.

The Bulgarian general relied on two factors

The first – that the Russians are in a hurry for Berlin and if they resist, they will be satisfied only with Northern Bulgaria. And the second – that the Bulgarian army was excellently prepared – fed, clothed and shod. Well armed, with a high patriotic spirit and led by educated and capable officers.

The generals – Ivan Valkov, Kocho Stoyanov, Nikola Mihov and others insisted on protection from the advancing Red Army and the implementation of this Defense Plan senior officers vilified and slandered in communist-made history. The veto on the implementation of the plan was imposed by Prince Kirill, who was shot by the communists on March 2, 1945, in gratitude /after several months of interrogation of the regents in Moscow. Then one of his killers – Ferdinand Kozovsky, walked on the yellow cobblestones with the prince’s boots…

If this Defense Plan had been implemented, at least Southern Bulgaria could have remained free. Like Korea for example.

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2023-07-03 23:00:14

#Twists #history #stopped #Red #Army #bunkers #Stara #Planina #but..

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