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the rate of infection is too high

The weekly increase in the number of new positive cases is one of the data that puts the Lombardy. Not so much for the rate of coverage of hospitals, because in any case with 173 ICU patients the situation does not appear complicated, but for the circulation of the virus and for the high percentage of positive swabs. In the last seven days, 1,799 other infected people have been reported, an increase of 2 percent; in the same period, the increase in Italy was 1.34 percent, with 3,074 new cases. Told in another way: in the last seven days, in Lombardy, on average 257 new cases have been detected daily, 58 percent of all those found in Italy. Beyond the response on the RT (the transmission index of the virus) which, from what we have learned in the last two weeks, penalizes especially regions with few patients, Lombardy in the evaluation can pay the fact that the number of new infected does not show signs of decreasing decisively. In the previous seven days, the new cases in the daily media had been few more: 281. In other words: there is no substantial decrease in the increase in the sick.

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And this emerges even if the percentage of positives is assessed on the basis of the swabs made: always above 4 percent. With this in mind, the report on assessments region by region, which will be released today by the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, will cause many doubts. And it is the whole of the North-West that is of concern: on a weekly basis in Lombardy 20 new cases are registered for every 100 thousand inhabitants, but the same value is also obtained for Liguria, while Piedmont has reached 12.

On the contrary, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto, among the first to face the emergency, are in constant decline, so much so that the other day they had reached 16 and 8 cases respectively, only yesterday they had a temporary increase (74 and 12). Experts are very concerned about the situation in Lombardy, as reported by Professor Luigi Toma, infectious disease specialist of the Ifo in Rome: «Sorry to say, but it is clear that in these regions of the North-West, and in particular in Lombardy, there is a high number of positives not yet found. The latest data show that the easing of containment measures in Lombardy has led to an evident increase in new cases; as an infectious biologist, I have the feeling that there is still something wrong with tracking and monitoring. I refer to Lombardy, but also to Piedmont and Liguria ». If in these regions there is a problem of high numbers of positives every day, there is another area that has data to keep an eye on: the Province of Trento (luckily yesterday, however, there was a slowdown), with ten cases for every hundred thousand inhabitants detected in the last week. Although here, it must be said, many tampons are made. In the evaluation of last week, the RT of Trento had exceeded, as a maximum value, the critical limit of 1, but all the experts invite not to dwell only on this indicator, which for example had made the spy for the Valle d ‘turn on Aosta. But where the situation now seems under control: just five cases in the last seven days.

Last updated: 00:54


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