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The Rarámuri people take to the streets of London as part of a new exhibition

There is no doubt that the Rarámuri people are part of the Mexican pride. Despite the passage of time, its people still preserve ancient traditions while occupying the territory of the Sierra Tarahumara, mainly in the state of Chihuahua and parts of Durango and Sonora.

Now, their incredible culture can be known internationally thanks to a new photographic exhibition installed on the streets of London, the capital of England and the United Kingdom.

Available until September 30, this exhibition is made up of 15 photographs, which are mounted on the exterior railings of the Mexican Embassy in that European country.

There, the public will appreciate postcards of the Rarámuri making round baskets; running throughout the expanse of their territory; and the incomparable landscapes offered by the valleys of the Copper Canyon and the Magical Town of Batopilas.

Likewise, typical traditional clothing, customs and traditions performed with dances, such as the yúmari, were captured, especially to ask for forgiveness and redemption from the creator of life and to maintain a social balance in their communities.

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