Home » Technology » The Rapid Fire Unit: A Game Changer for the Master System’s Fantasy Zone

The Rapid Fire Unit: A Game Changer for the Master System’s Fantasy Zone

There is an accessory for the Master System called a Rapid Fire Unit. It works like a thumb on steroids, allowing you to press repeatedly, very quickly, just by holding down the button in question. Fantasy Zone is the reason such an accessory (or third-party controllers with it built-in) exists.

Fantasy Zone is perhaps the first cute ’em up that existed. A shooter with adorable characters and a flamboyant, but oh-so-ear-invading soundtrack. I have previously reviewed the AGES edition on the Nintendo Switch. The Master System port is just that, a port, with basically the entire game intact, but with some concessions regarding sound and graphics.

The Master System version of the Fantasy Zone is the third one I play, after the AGES releases on Switch and Nintendo 3DS (which by the way has amazing 3D effect). It is the worst of the three on all counts, but has several parts that require a hat lift. First, the game manages to move a lot of sprites without any flickering to speak of. It has a nimbleness and precision that even the slower PAL speed can’t water down. Second, it has a perfectly okay rendering by one of the gaming world’s biggest earworms. Particularly if you have the FM unit. What it needs, however, is a built-in turbo function. I have training pain in my thumb after a session!

So what did I do? I bought myself a Rapid Fire Unit – an official accessory for the console, it should be added. Then I passed the game twice back-to-back, to establish dominance. Now even DZ Deno Roma*, the boss who replaced Winklone on lane 6 (Mockstar), is my very own little turtle bitch.

If you’re still going to exact revenge, you might as well do it to the tune of 8,000,000 points.

After my third sortie with Fantasy Zone I can honestly say that I was probably a little hard on the first time. AGES edition or not; this is a classic. An adorable, wonderfully frustrating, just-one-round-to-hell arcade classic.

Incidentally, this is the only game I own on the console that is an Australian release. Its packaging is some kind of foam, softer plastic. I don’t like it!

2023-12-24 07:00:00
#Days #Master #System #Fantasy #Zone

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