Home » today » World » The ranking of the best comprehensive universities in the United States calls attention to the third year of the epidemic, do you still want to study abroad? -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

The ranking of the best comprehensive universities in the United States calls attention to the third year of the epidemic, do you still want to study abroad? -Hangzhou News Center-Hangzhou Net

The ranking of the best comprehensive universities in the United States calls attention to the third year of the epidemic, do you still want to study abroad?

Hangzhou network Release time: 09-13-2022 11:47 –

Competition is becoming fiercer, how many families will still make such a choice for higher education?

On the last day of the Mid-Autumn Festival holidays, many overseas study agencies in China are relaying a message: US News & World Report “US News and World Report” released the latest 2023 ranking of the best colleges in the states United (2023 Best College Rankings).

The United States is the largest destination for international Chinese students, and the latest edition of the Best Comprehensive Universities in the United States has attracted the attention of prospective students and parents. A senior study abroad agent said that no matter how many university rankings there are in the United States, US News is always the one that gets the most attention.

This list has changed a lot

This list includes 100 American colleges and universities. The first are the famous schools that are familiar to all. Compared to last year, the changes are very big.

The top three are Princeton, MIT, Stanford and Yale (tied thirds).

Judging by the list, the universities ranked in the TOP10 are still traditional well-known universities, but the ranking order among the universities has partially changed: Stanford University has moved up from 6th place in the 2022 ranking and is back in the TOP3 ranking . John Hopkins University climbed from 9th to 7th place, while famed Columbia University dropped from TOP2 to 18th for admitting that the data provided to US News was falsified. The ranking has changed dramatically.

In the TOP50 ranking, schools have basically kept their rankings from last year, and some universities have changed slightly: Tufts University dropped to 32, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign dropped to 41, Northeastern University rose to 44th, Du Lan University to 44th.

<!–enpproperty 83523112022-09-13 11:47:36:0记者 胡信昌全美最佳综合大学排名引关注 疫情第三年,还要不要出国留学?全美最佳综合大学排名21268科教卫新闻科教卫新闻https://hznews.hangzhou.com.cn/kejiao/content/2022-09/13/content_8352311.htmnull橙柿互动中秋小长假最后一天,国内很多留学中介,都在齐刷刷转发一条消息:U.S. News & World Report《美国新闻与世界报道》发布最新2023全美最佳综合大学排名(2023 Best Colleges Ranking)。1/enpproperty–>-

Source: Orange Persimmon Interactive Author: Reporter Hu Xinchang Publisher: Gao Tingting

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