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The rally in the markets has regained strength and may now accelerate

Everything continues to proceed as per weekly route anticipated and a new bullish phase should have started from today and this should last until the early trading hours on Monday, before a new retracement / side phase.

At 7:20 pm on the trading day on November 10th we read the following prices:

Dax Future


Eurostoxx Future


Ftse Mib Future


S&P 500 Index


Charts and forecast continue to go in different directions

In red, our annual forecast on the world stock index on a weekly scale for 2021.

In blue the chart of the American markets up to 5 November.

What are the expectations for the current week?

Low between Monday and Tuesday and then rise until Friday. today, the rally in the markets has regained strength and may now accelerate.


Price projections and areas of the minimum / maximum expected for the week of November 8th

Dax Future



Eurostoxx Future



Ftse Mib Future



S&P 500 Index



Heading is now towards the maximum area to be reached by Friday.

The rally in the markets has regained strength and may now accelerate. The levels to monitor

What could be the dangers that the price lists could face in the coming days? Our philosophy is that graphic designers discount everything and therefore our sextant will remain their direction.

Dax Future

Bullish trend until we see a daily close below 15.908.

Eurostoxx Future

Bullish trend until we see a daily close below 4.280.

Ftse Mib Future

Bullish trend until we see a daily close below 26.995.

S&P 500 Index

Bullish trend until we see a daily close below 4.621.

Which operations do our Trading Systems recommend?

Continue to keep Long operations open on Tuesday, October 19th in opening.

What might Thursday’s trading day look like?

Opening on the lows and closing on the highs of the day.

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