Home » today » World » The RaiNews Cdr attacks Salvini’s video: “Almost 4 minutes of monologue, used as a megaphone for the government”

The RaiNews Cdr attacks Salvini’s video: “Almost 4 minutes of monologue, used as a megaphone for the government”

Il Cdr of RaiNews on the attack over the choice to air the entire video of Matteo Salvini who comments on the request for six years in prison against him made by the Palermo prosecutor’s office in processo Open Arms. “Almost 4 minutes of monologue on the Open Arms trial taken from Minister Salvini’s social media – underlined in a note -. Once again our channel used as a megaphone for the declarations of a leading member of the government. Once again skipped the rules of good journalism and the mediation work of an entire editorial staff. Who decided to air it? director Petrecca? We believe it is our duty to at least offer equal time to the other party in this matter.”

The democratic members of the Rai Supervisory Commission also intervened in the case and announced that they would bring the issue to the examination of the commission itself: “The list of evidence of ‘subservience’ of the public service to the majority is lengthening. Rai forced to broadcast a monologue of over three minutes by Minister Salvini in self-defense regarding the ongoing trial. All with a protesting Cdr and with journalists and information professionals humiliated and forced to broadcast it. There is no balance, there is no guarantee of impartiality and it is trampled upon every elementary principle of public service. All this after the cases Sangiulian e All. We are really worried about this inclined plane on the eve of important administrative rounds starting from Liguria and we intend to also involve Agcom with this obvious criticality. Persevering is truly diabolical and someone will have to answer for this mortification of Rai.”

In the video published on social media, Salvini said: “Never has any government and never any minister in history been accused and tried for having defended the borders of his own country. Article 52 of the Italian Constitution states that the defense of the homeland is a sacred duty of the citizen. I declare myself guilty of having defended Italy and the Italians, I declare myself guilty of having kept my word.”

#RaiNews #Cdr #attacks #Salvinis #video #minutes #monologue #megaphone #government
– 2024-10-01 02:30:46

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