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The rainbow steps of Rennes-2 University vandalized

The rainbow colored steps of the Rennes-2 University staircase have lost color. Individuals have undertaken to cover these “pride marches” symbols of support with the LGBTQI community with blue paint. An act they failed to complete. According to the Union pirate student union, hooded individuals were put to flight by the security service of the faculty of human sciences on the night of Friday to Saturday, i.e. on the eve of the open doors of the university.

These steps were painted in 2019 by street artist Mya as part of a participatory budget. “This new attack is only symbolic, but it should remind us how far the battle against hatred and intolerance is from over,” said the student union. Several acts of vandalism have already been observed on these stairs since their inauguration. A majority student union, the Pirate Union promises to repaint the steps “as of next week”.

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