The Rai studios are trembling given all the changes that will be witnessed in the coming months. Now comes an urgent communication for Tiberio Timperi. Here’s what’s happening…
It’s time for changes in Rai and renewals, as with every change of government. In fact, it is known that the top rai are being replaced with the new political influences.
This will bring great upheaval in the public network and some of the conductors most beloved ones might bow out or switch to some other network.
The history of television is full of such episodes. Indeed, there is a whole range of conductors that would appear to be at risk, among which three names stand out: Fazio, Bortone and Annunziata. The first two have their contracts expiring this year while Annunziata in 2024 but could still be sent away. Furthermore, there is even talk of a return to Rai by Giletti.
An urgent communication has also recently arrived from Rai. It is also this time that the news may not please someone at all. A letter has arrived for Tiberio Timperi that shakes the studies of Saxa Rubra.
Letter for Tiberio Timperi
During the last week the new issue of Oggi magazine was released, currently directed by Carlo Verdelli. Inside there is a column entrusted to Alberto Dandolo, where it is possible to find news and updates on personalities from the world of television and entertainment, especially the most loved ones. with his rumors about tv characters and the most loved and popular show.
There were some revelations this week about Tiberio Timperi, presenter of Unomattina together with Monica Setta and Ingrid Muccitelli. The man could make a career leap thanks to the change of government and Rai top management. Dandalo writes: “Among the professionals who will benefit from the new political course is Tiberio Timperi”.

The news in Rai doesn’t end here: here’s what’s happening
Alberto Dandolo not only claimed that Tiberio Timperi could make a big career leap under this new government, starting new and more interesting projects, but also said that someone could pay the price. Indeed, the rumors about the future of Rai do not end there.
Tiberio Timperi could be chosen to host Unomattinaafter conducting its summer version A summer morning. This would mean a total downsizing for Ossini who would risk not to see his contract renewed, despite the satisfactory ratings achieved. The journalist wrote: “And if that were the case, Ossini would pay the price, which in this latest edition has anyway achieved decisively satisfactory ratings by hitting the targets set by Rai. Could there be this sensational turning point in the next TV season?”.
2023-04-30 19:15:19
#Urgent #communication #Rai #letter #Tiberio #Timperi #studios #Saxa #Rubra #trembling