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The Rai canon out of the electricity bill: this is how the government plans to dismantle the Renzi reform

The Rai license fee is removed from the electricity bill: in the majority of the Draghi government the idea that dismantles the so-called “Renzi reform” appears.

The fee in the bill was in fact introduced by the Renzi government as an anti-evasion measure, alongside a reduction in the fee itself, which finally dropped to 90 euros which are paid in 10 monthly installments of 9 euros. The choice to go back would meet the European requests to lighten the bill from the extra costs but would require identifying a different collection model to maintain the revenue.

The elimination of the RAI fee from the electricity bill responds to the commitments made by the Draghi government with the European Union within the Pnrr (Recovery plan), which promises the cancellation of the obligation for electricity sellers to “collect through bills sums that are not directly correlated with energy », as Il Messaggero writes.

The idea is circulating in the majority, but – according to what has been leaked from government sources – it is not currently present in the Competition Bill which will be discussed at the beginning of August at the Council of Ministers.

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