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The Qur’an reveals the tailbone is not destroyed until the end, scientifically proven : Okezone techno

JAKARTAMan those who die and are buried in the ground, will undergo a process of decay and decomposition until the bodies are destroyed.

However, there is one part in the human body that will never be destroyed after burial, eternal and resurrected when the apocalypse occurs, namely the tailbone.

Scientists have tried to chemically dissolve it with very strong acids, through burning, even being hit by hard objects, to be given various types of radiation, but this coccyx cannot be completely destroyed.

Summarized from the book Miracles of Al-Qur’an & As-Sunnah, it is stated that embryologists prove that the human body is created from a very fine strand, called the primary strand.

The strand, in the Islamic point of view is made by the will of Allah SWT on the 15th day after egg fertilization and implantation in the uterine wall.

When this strand is formed, all the organs of the embryo begin to form, especially the nervous system, the first part of the spine, then the rest of the body.

This strand, stimulates cells to start dividing, differentiates from each other, and has special characteristics. This, too, helps to perfectly form specialized tissues and organs, which complement each other and work together to perform all body functions.

The primary strand will also break down (after humans die), except for a small portion (from the tailbone) that remains from the spine. This tailbone, has the privilege of being mentioned in a hadith.

“The distance between the two blasts of the trumpet is forty. Then Allah sends down rain from the sky, and they grow like vegetables. All human parts will be destroyed except for one bone, namely the tailbone. It is from the tailbone that man was created on the Day of Resurrection.” (Narrated by Bukhari 4554 and Muslim 5253).

This hadith reveals that all parts of the human body will be destroyed except for one bone, namely the tailbone. The bones, will remain as before even though humans experience death, even until their bodies rot. From this tailbone, humans will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment.

The Qur’an also mentions about the bones:

And he gave us an example, and he forgot his creation.

Say He who created it the first time, and He is All-Knowing of all creation.

“And he set up a parable for Us; and he forgot its creation; he said:” Who can give life to a bone that is crushed? Say: “He will be revived by the Lord who created him the first time. And He is Aware of all creatures,” (Surat Yasin Verses 78-79).

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