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“The question of alliances does not arise”, according to Valérie Hayer

The Republicans party finally has a head of the list in Pays-de-la-Loire for the regional elections of June 20 and 27. Christelle Morancais, the outgoing president, has just announced: she is representing herself. The LR and La République en Marche therefore leave separately for this election, while François de Rugy, the head of the LREM list, called again for a rally. But for Valérie Hayer, LREM MEP from Mayenne, “the question of alliances does not arise“. She was our guest this Friday morning on France Bleu Mayenne.

“Two very good candidates in Mayenne”

François de Rugy, the LREM deputy for Loire-Atlantique, was in Mayenne this Thursday. He presented his head of the list for the regional in our department. This is Laurence Deschamps, the former mayor of Châtelain. She will be accompanied by Rémi Besson. “Two very good candidates“, according to Valérie Hayer, LREM MEP from Mayenne, invited this Friday morning on France Bleu Mayenne.”In Mayenne, François de Rugy chose two very good candidates in whom I have total confidence and it’s one more element to give him my trust“, she emphasizes.

So should we consider alliances with the Republicans party, as was considered for a time in Provence-Alpes-Côtes-d’Azur? “The question does not arise, at least not today “ for Valérie Hayer. “There, we are in a time of campaign. It must continue and unfold with proposals“, insists the MEP for Mayenne. Valérie Hayer said: she supports”obviously“the candidacy of François de Rugy.

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