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The qualification of human capital is the foundation of the national development model

Closure of the high school consultation under the theme “The Morocco of tomorrow”

The qualification of human capital will have an essential and strategic place in the development of the national development model, said, Friday in Rabat, the Minister of National Education, Vocational Training, Higher Education and Research scientist, government spokesperson, Saaid Amzazi.
Speaking at the closing ceremony of the high school consultation, Mr. Amzazi said that this initiative, organized jointly by the Ministry of National Education and the Special Commission on the Development Model (CSMD) under the theme “The Morocco of tomorrow ”is an opportunity to reiterate the importance of the Moroccan school in the qualification of human capital, which will have an essential and strategic place in the development of the national development model.

The Minister also expressed his pride in the contribution of students from different regions to participate in this competition around subjects relating to the Morocco of tomorrow, the Morocco of prosperity and social justice. For his part, Chakib Benmoussa, president of the CSMD, stressed that the new development model under development, within the framework of an inclusive long-term vision, essentially concerns an important category of Moroccan society, the young . In this regard, he said that the inclusion of student contributions in the development of the vision of tomorrow’s Morocco constitutes one of the main pillars of the participatory approach adopted by the CSMD, in view of the particular position young people, as an entity of the present and a force for the future. Mr. Benmoussa further clarified that the contributions received have demonstrated a high level of awareness among the students and reflect their great love for their homeland, as well as their desire to build a better future that meets expectations of all Moroccans, noting that this awareness manifests itself in the mastery of development affairs in the various fields, political, economic, social and cultural.

For his part, Mohamed Amrani Boukhobza, member of the CSMD, highlighted the participatory approach surrounding this initiative, particularly vis-à-vis an important age category of Moroccan society, that of young people, particularly those in scientific training in high schools. “This exchange allowed us to inquire about the capacities of these young people to reflect on the reality and the future of Morocco”, he argued, adding that the observation drawn, through these dissertations, is that this age category is interested in and adheres to national affairs, which reveals their understanding of what is happening today in Moroccan society.
Launched on April 2 on the theme “The Morocco of tomorrow”, this consultation aimed to capture the expectations of young generations, raise their awareness of major national issues and encourage civic and citizen engagement at home.

During this ceremony, 22 students were distinguished thanks to the quality and originality of their dissertations written in Arabic, Amazigh, French and English. The latter also received a certificate of excellence from the ministry and the CSMD, in addition to a laptop each.
These essays, selected from a total of 3,277 arguments received from all regions of Morocco, will be annexed to the CMSD report in the form of a summary and will be posted on the Commission website.

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