Home » today » World » The puppy is nicknamed “cloud of Oreo”, look at the details and you will be amazed by the sweetness of this little dog

The puppy is nicknamed “cloud of Oreo”, look at the details and you will be amazed by the sweetness of this little dog

When Sara Hamilton has shared photos of her little one on a popular Facebook group called Dogspotting Society , these immediately went viral, receiving over 22 thousand comments. People were amazed, and doing everything to contact the mistress to visit the irresistible fur ball.

Our little Oreo cloud is actually called Chief! (Boss)“Sara said to Bored Panda . “Oreo’s cloud is our favorite nickname since he is an oreo cookie.

But the puppy is not only special in its appearance, it is also very intelligent, and is well on its way to becoming a therapy dog.

More information: Instagram

“We named him Chief because he will grow a lot and he will certainly be a leader, not a follower“, Explained Sara. “He came to us fully trained and very well educated, learn quickly! “ The owner he said he is also very protective, and loves to sleep near the front door every night.

“The first thing we noticed about him in addition to his particular coat is that he loves to cuddle and take naps. He has a louder way of snoring than everyone else in the family. “

Even Sara and her husband noticed immediately while they had him that he loves being close to the owners and becomes extremely jealous when he realizes that someone is going there without “inviting” him.


During the quarantine period, the couple trained Chief every day to teach him additional rules. “Sta progressing very well“Sara said during the lockdown period. “Once the world heals and we can resume normal life, we will take him on a series of basic dog training and therapy courses. When he is one year old and has taken the essential classes, he can officially take his final test to be certified. Then he will work weekly visits to children’s hospitals. “

To date, the little Chief has grown out of all proportion, you can see more photos of the little cloud of Oreo in his profile official instagram!

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