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The Publishing House of Universidad Veracruzana (UV) Seeks Increased Budget for Book Publications

Each year, the Publishing House of the Universidad Veracruzana (UV) publishes between 60 and 65 copies, which requires at least an increase in the budget of 3 million pesos, an amount that is expected to be granted in the fiscal year. 2024.

The director of the Publishing House, Agustín del Moral Tejeda, pointed out that the amount they receive varies each year, but at least 3 million more pesos would be needed to be able to carry out all the activities.

In an interview, held at the Casa de El Lago within the framework of National Book Day, he explained that between 60 and 65 books are published each year, and there are also participations in book fairs and digital editions.

Each issue requires between four and five months to issue, depending on the complexity, because some are short and others are several pages long, others are accompanied by graphics or images.

A simple book, around 150 pages, costs 30 thousand pesos, while some can have a price of around 90 thousand pesos.

“We have a limited distribution policy, we do not have great resources, we are looking for better distribution channels, we attend fairs, there are several activities that are carried out. It is support that the university gives, but it varies year by year, we are waiting For an increase to be registered, more is always required, we are waiting for about 3 million more pesos,” he said.

He pointed out that some of the titles published each year have the editorial seal and, in other cases, there are co-editions with publishing houses such as El Equilibrista, Gris Tormenta, Planifolia and Era.

“Most of them are collaborators of the University, but the Editorial is generally open to anyone who wants to publish, there is an Editorial Council, the original is subjected to analysis and there it is decided whether it is published or not,” he said.

In addition, external financing is sought, sometimes from Embassies, where there is support for co-editions or translations.

“We have received support from the French Embassy, ​​we are seeking support from the Portuguese Embassy, ​​we seek funding sources in different ways,” he said.

2023-11-12 23:03:41
#Editorial #publishes #books #annually #Agustín #del #Moral

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