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“The public hospital needs immigration” says Arnaud Robinet

Public hospital deficit, appointment of Michel Barnier as Prime Minister: Arnaud Robinet answered questions from Jean-Jacques Bourdin.

“The Horizons deputies will vote for confidence in Michel Barnier, without hesitation”

Invited by the Horizons party, Michel Barnier will participate on September 11 in the parliamentary days of the Ensemble pour la République and Horizons groups which will take place in Reims.We expect a Prime Minister to implement a clear and defined roadmap, and to respond to the challenges that are ours. To the problems that are ours, and there are many.” explains Arnaud Robinet. “Public debt, the question of security, immigration, public service, health.”There is work to be done, we are really waiting for reforms, we are waiting for actions, we are waiting for objectives. And Michel Barnier will of course be able to count on the Horizons parliamentarians” assures the mayor of Reims.

Does Arnaud Robinet trust Michel Barnier?Oui. THE Horizons MPs will vote for confidence without hesitation” says the mayor of Reims.”We, the elected members of Horizons, come from the same political family as Michel Barnier. We know him, we worked with him when I was a parliamentarian. Horizons is the right wing of the former presidential majority.” he recalls. “There is very little that separates us and above all it is of course the interest of the country.“.

“There is no Macron-Le Pen agreement and a Michel Barnier who is under surveillance by the RN”

Does Michel Barnier benefit from the goodwill of the RN? Is there an objective alliance between Michel Barnier and the RN? Arnaud Robinet denounces “language elements of the left and LFI“. “We must stop this talk! There is no Macron-Le Pen agreement and a Michel Barnier who is under surveillance by the RN“.

The only thing Michel Barnier said, he is absolutely right and we said it too, is that the RN represents 11 million voters.” underlines Arnaud Robinet.”Sectarianism has never made things move forward. I am in favor of dialogue and exchange with those who wish it. And yes, If Michel Barnier has to talk with elected officials and RN deputies, I don’t see what would stop him from doing so.“. “This sectarianism that we know on the far left and in particular on the left, this famous ex-NUPES or Popular Front, is unbearable.“.

“The public hospital needs immigration”

The public hospital has a deficit of 2 billion euros in 2024.We are not asking for more money, but for the public hospital to be financed at its fair value.” explains Arnaud Robinet. “Of these 2 billion euros, 1.4 billion euros are due to the cost of inflation in 2023-2024 which have not been offset.“. “Public hospital activity is restarting. It is even higher than it was before Covid. There is momentum in terms of recruiting nurses and nursing assistants” assures the president of the FHF.”Behind it is not always more money, you have to be more efficient“.

Does the public hospital need immigration?Today, it is clear that public hospitals, like private ones, are using foreign doctors.” explains Arnaud Robinet. “The public hospital needs immigration, perhaps for a given period of time. But in any case, yes, there are foreign doctors who sometimes have additional training in France in order to have an equivalent level. And this will be the case again this year, in particular with these famous practitioners qualified outside the European Union (PADHUE), doctors from outside the European Union“.

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