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“the public hospital is absent from the programs”

Doctor in the emergency room of the Draguignan hospital in the Var which had to close at night for lack of staff, Pierre-Emmanuel Lebas cries from the heart to the candidates for the presidential election. Meet.

At 61, Pierre Emmanuel Lebas has worked since the age of 26 in the public health service, “Without ever” stop.
“L’hospital public, in the present, is a subject completely absent from the debate of this election presidential. I haven’t heard anything from the candidates who are now numerous, anything that would allow me to have a certain hope concerning the management of hospitals public.”

During this campaign, “we sprinkle, as usual and I’m not targeting a candidate rather than another”.

The situation at Draguignan hospital is delicate. CThe hospital center in the hinterland covers the care needs of one area of ​​100,000 inhabitants.

Since last October, they have been closed at night for lack of means. Faced with the shortage of practitioners, “everyday had become very complicated”, he testifies.

The shortage is such that the establishment advised patients to go to their doctor in town during the holiday season:

Beyond 8:30 p.m., emergencies no longer accept than the sick “which cannot be transferred”.

For Pierre-Emmanuel Lebas, the situation is progressing despite everything:

Since December, there is also a collective which is led by emergency physicians from the region, especially from the Var. There is hope, but hope is one thing. We still need to recruit three doctors before we can open safely, without risk to patients and without risk to staff. We have already recruited the first three doctors, we still need three more.

For the practitioner from Dracénie hospital center, “On cannot allow a system that has saved people and still saves to perish while the flaws that we denounce will become dangerous for the population.

A situation which, according to him “led us to work for almost two years between 80 and 100 hours a week and to postpone our holidays”.

None of the doctors couldn’t take Christmas time off.

This closure is a failure for us who are the second generation to have created emergency services. We cannot admit that for budgetary and perhaps more or less ideological reasons we can destroy this system,

Especially since he sees solutions: “Young doctors who want to set up as generalists could compulsorily start with a half-time employee five years in city medicine and part-time in the hospital”.

He also denounces le market value – this system which limits the number of students
– which was “in quotes deleted” through a reform in 2019, leaving the universities to set their admission capacities themselves: “it’s window dressing”.

The delegate of the‘ARS PACA made a point on January 21. As Var-Matin relatesthe agency wants “hold a speech of reality” and ensures “the objective is to reopen the emergency room at night, even if it is in a programmed manner, two to three hours a week more in the evening, in stages.”

The ARS is considering full-time reopening.

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