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The Psychological Impact of Alcohol: The Allure of Pleasant Memories and the Dangerous Consequences

The effect of pleasant memories

Narcologist Alexander Bondarenko explained why people like to drink alcohol so much. Neprosto.fun writes about this.

The desire to feel joy, euphoria and once again immerse yourself in the pleasant memories that even a small dose of alcohol provides can result in disastrous consequences. The fact is that a person remembers this state and wants to repeat it over and over again, but without a couple of glasses of something intoxicating it is impossible to do this. As a result, people develop addiction, the doctor explains.

The positive color that events that happened to us in the past take on may be a kind of illusion that settles in the brain under the influence of alcohol, which is perhaps the most accessible and at the same time quite strong psychoactive substance. Scientists have long proven that it changes the vision of the world and distorts our understanding of life.

Also, the negative consequences of drinking alcohol include memory problems, sometimes leading to amnesia, as well as difficulties with concentrating.

Previously, scientists told how many times a week you can drink alcohol and whether there is a “golden mean”.

2023-12-14 06:19:26

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