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The psychological health of employees “remains very degraded” after two years of pandemic

Burnout still “extremely high”, “pandemic fatigue”, “psychological distress”, etc. After two years of the Covid-19 crisis, the psychological health of employees “remains very degraded”, with a burn-out still “extremely high” and “pandemic fatigue”, according to a survey carried out by OpinionWay for the firm Empreinte Humaine and published on Wednesday.

According to this survey conducted online from January 27 to February 11 with a representative panel of 2,001 employees, 41% say they are in “psychological distress”, including 13% in high distress. Psychological distress is an indicator that “overlaps symptoms of both depression and exhaustion,” says Empreinte Humaine.

Women are more affected

Women are more affected (47.5%, including 16.5% in high distress) as well as young people under 29 (54%, including 20% ​​in high distress). Burnout remains “at an extremely high level”, with 34% of employees affected, including 13% severe, or 2.5 million people. HR functions are particularly exposed, with 63% of employees in burnout, including 34% in a severe way.

Despite the scale of the phenomenon, only 31% of employees declare “that there is a culture of psychosocial risk prevention in their company” and 50% say “that there are no people with official referent roles on the subject of psychosocial risk prevention with whom they can discuss their problem”.

Managers with “positive practices for their psychological well-being”

One in three employees, however, judges that their manager “has positive practices for their psychological well-being”.

Empreinte Humaine also notes that “pandemic fatigue is setting in”: 67% of employees are tired of discussions on Covid-19 in the media, 55% are tired “of following all the regulations and recommendations” and 35% “ no longer want to fight against Covid-19 ”.

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