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the psychiatry center of the Bayonne hospital responds to the attacks

By Fabien Jans – [email protected]

The Citizens Commission for Human Rights, an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, questioned the establishment during a demonstration on Saturday, July 24, 2021

Questioned during a demonstration of the Citizens’ Commission for Human Rights (CCDH) in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, Saturday, July 24, 2021, the psychiatry center of the Bayonne Hospital Center reacts by playing the card transparency.

Regarding the containment and isolation measures, pointed out by the dozen activists, Dr Aurélie Vouzelaud recalls “that it is exclusively a last resort, when all the alternatives have not enabled the crisis to be defused. ‘a patient. Before that, we will have tried interviews with caregivers, treatments, mediation, and various proposals with the objective of allowing the patient to find another outlet than heteroaggressive or auto-aggressive behavior. The heart of our business is taking care of our patients. “

Register and judge of freedoms

Beyond the keeping of a precise register obligatory since 2016, the measures decried by the association are, since the first quarter of 2021, the subject of a control by the judge of freedoms and detention: “We must keep informed as soon as a restraint measure goes beyond 24 hours and an isolation extends beyond 48 hours, specifies Mr. Record, executive of the psychiatric center. We are also bound by a duty to inform families and patients of their rights of recourse. As for the figures given by the CCDH, it is obvious that no patient is subject to measures for 140 days in a row. These are global periods during which the patient is considered to be in crisis, but regularly assessed. “

These two types of measures are in effect constrained in time, as well as in their renewals.

Last but not least: the CCDH is an offshoot of the Church of Scientology, pointed out by the Interministerial Mission for Vigilance and the Fight against Sectarian Abuses (Miviludes), and which sets itself the objective of fighting against “violations of human rights in psychiatry”, and even against psychiatry as a whole.

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