Home » News » The PSOE highlights the “spectacular” increase in scholarships in the province that has gone from 29 to 40 million euros

The PSOE highlights the “spectacular” increase in scholarships in the province that has gone from 29 to 40 million euros


Jan’s PSOE has highlighted “the spectacular” increase in study grants in the province of Jan, which have gone from 29 million in the last year that the PP governed with Mariano Rajoy to 40 million euros with the government of Pedro Sánchez , a difference that, according to the socialists, is “devastating”.

The coordinator of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, Jose Latorre, has indicated in a statement that the Government of Spain “makes history again” by approving a budget of more than 2,500 million euros for scholarships, “a record figure and a spectacular increase compared to the last budget of the PP”. “In just four years, the Government of Pedro Sánchez has increased scholarships by more than 1,000 million euros, an increase of 66 percent that demonstrates the strength of the PSOE’s commitment to young people and their families,” said the leader socialist.

The senator has assessed that in these four years the Government of Spain “has improved the criteria for accessing a scholarship, has increased the amount and has reached more students than with the PP”. With this new rise, the scholarships “will continue to be strengthened as an essential tool for the training of young people, equal opportunities and the consolidation of public education.”

Likewise, Latorre has highlighted the creation of a new aid for students with specific educational support needs, aid that will be compatible with the scholarship that corresponds to them due to their family economic situation. In addition, there will be a special increase for residence scholarships for post-compulsory studies, which is “another wink for young people from rural areas” who have to travel longer distances and reside in large cities, with the increased cost that this entails. .

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