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The PSOE dominates the municipal elections in Camas with 11 councilors

The PSOE repeats in Camas the result of the 2019 municipal elections. With 5,264 votes, it puts 11 councilors in the City Council, although it loses distance with respect to the PP, which it goes from having three seats to 7and a total of 3,417 votes.

Ciudadanos, who in 2019 removed two councilors, is left without representation. With Andalusia he obtains two councilors and Vox, one.

Result of the municipal elections in Camas 2019

In 2019, the socialist Rafael Alfonso Recio Fernández, revalidated his position as mayor for the third time with 11 seats, one less than in 2015. The Popular Party (PP) won three seats, Adelante: Izquierda Unida Andalucía retained two of the three it obtained in the previous municipal elections; Ciudadanos took out two and Vox and Marea Municipalista Andaluza managed to enter the City Council with two and one councillor, respectively.

Recio Fernández, who was already Secretary of Organization of the PSOE of Seville since 2021, left the Mayor’s Office of Camas three years later, in April 2022, when he was incorporated as number 3 on the PSOE list for the province of Seville for the regional elections that were held that month of June, leaving Víctor Manuel Ávila Muñoz in office.

In the elections of this 28-M, there are five candidacies from which the residents will be able to choose. The party heads are Víctor Manuel Ávila Muñoz, for the PSOE, who will try to revalidate the position at the polls; Manuel Reina González (PP); Ignacio Manuel Muniz Maqueda (Vox); María Carmen Ramos Cárdenas (with Andalusia); Francisco Manuel Ruiz Muñoz (Now Independent); and María Carmen Anselmo Morey (Ciudadanos-Citizenship Party).

During democracy, Camas has had five mayors and one female mayor: Francisco Pinto (he won the elections in 1979, 1983 and 1987, in the latter he obtained an absolute majority), Antonio Rivas (he won in 1991, 1995 and 1999, the only absolute majority in 1995), Encarnación Díaz (he governed from 2000 to 2003 replacing Antonio Rivas, he stood in the elections of 2003 in which he won but did not govern), Agustín Pavón (he governed from 2003 to 2007 with a coalition agreement between IU, PA and PP), Juan Pazos (he was from 2007 to 2008 with a coalition agreement between IU and PP) and Rafael Recio (he won in 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019, obtaining an absolute majority in the three last).

Results of the municipal elections in the towns of Seville 2023

#Camas #remains #blue #tide #grants #absolute #majority #PSOE

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