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The provisional classroom comes more expensive and later

In order to give the school more space until a permanent solution is found, the municipality of Kiesen decided to purchase the temporary school room in Wichtrach. Last May, voters approved a loan of CHF 365,000 for this purpose. The container construction should be put into operation in the summer. But now there is a delay and significant additional costs.

The Kiesen school is bursting at the seams. That is why a new building is planned as part of the school and village planning. But since it will still be a while before this can be moved into, the lack of space is initially alleviated with a temporary solution.

After the vote in May, the municipality began the preparatory work for the building application. “As part of these investigations, it became apparent that the provisional school at the Wichtrach secondary school does not meet the thermal insulation values ​​according to the Energy Act (energy certificate) for permanent temporary buildings,” says the current “Kiesener”. Without this proof, a building permit for a maximum of three years is possible and it will take more than three years for the new building to be completed. In addition, the duration of provisionally approved buildings cannot be extended.

120,000 francs more

For better insulation values, the insulation of the building must now be upgraded. “Additional costs in the order of 120,000 francs must be expected.” This money must now be approved as an additional loan by the municipal assembly. And the provisional comes half a year later than planned.

Why hadn’t the problem been noticed before the vote and a corresponding loan applied for? “In Wichtrach they only had the provisional arrangement for three years,” says Mayor Ernst Waber (SVP). That’s why it wasn’t noticed. “Perhaps we weren’t very well advised by the container company.”

“No other solution”

Despite the additional credit, it is still a cheap solution. “We don’t have anything ‘bib’ in terms of money,” says Waber. Anyway: Other containers would cost the municipality much more expensively. We can now leave the provisional longer.” The additional 120,000 francs are certainly not good, but the community can cope with them.

The next community meeting is in May. He assumes that the additional loan will be approved anyway, says Waber.

School gets off lightly

For the school, the intermediate step means that it has to make do with the current space for longer. The municipal council expects that the provisional will be available at the beginning of 2023. After all: “There are no new classes for the next school year,” says Waber.

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